Writing, editing, and publishing the paper is the last step in the research process. The paper tells the story of the project from inception, through the data-collection process, statistical analysis, and discussion of the results. Novice authors often struggle with writing and often find themselves with either nothing on paper or a weighty version of random thoughts. The process of writing the paper should be analogous to the research process. This article describes and provides a template for the essential sections and features of a scientific report (structured abstract, introduction, hypothesis, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions), describes authorship guidelines that have been established by professional societies, and discusses the importance of adequate and correct references.
- Correspondence: Richard D Branson MSc RRT FAARC, Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, 231 Albert Sabin Way, ML #0558, Cincinnati OH 45267-0558. E-mail: richard.branson{at}uc.edu.
- Copyright © 2004 by Daedalus Enterprises Inc.