Index by author
March 01, 2005; Volume 50,Issue 3
Anderson, Jeffrey M
- You have accessDynamic Hyperinflation, Intrinsic Positive End-Expiratory Pressure, and Respiratory RateJeffrey M AndersonRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 386-387;
Bates, Jason HT
- You have accessPeak Pressures During Manual VentilationMohamed Turki, Michael P Young, Scott S Wagers and Jason HT BatesRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 340-344;
Biddle, Chuck
- You have accessBook Review: Essentials of Airway Management. Sylva Dolenska MD,Priti Dalal MD,Andrew Taylor BSc MB BS. London: Greenwich Medical Media Ltd/Cambridge University Press. 2004. Soft cover, illustrated, 145 pages, $29.99.Chuck BiddleRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 389-390;
Brown, Melissa K
- You have accessA Laboratory Evaluation of 2 Mechanical Ventilators in the Presence of Helium-Oxygen MixturesMelissa K Brown and David C WillmsRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 354-360;
Cheifetz, Ira M
- You have accessCarbon Dioxide Elimination and Gas Displacement Vary With Piston Position During High-Frequency Oscillatory VentilationDonna S Hamel, Andrew L Katz, Damian M Craig, John D Davies and Ira M CheifetzRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 361-366;
Chipman, Daniel W
- You have accessThe Impact of Closed Endotracheal Suctioning Systems on Mechanical Ventilator PerformanceAshraf El Masry, Purris F Williams, Daniel W Chipman, Joseph P Kratohvil and Robert M KacmarekRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 345-353;
Coffey, Robert L
- You have accessBook Review: Clinical Respiratory Medicine, 2nd edition. RichardKAlbert MD, StephenGSpiro BSc MD, James R Jett MD. Philadelphia: Mosby/Elsevier. 2004. Hard cover, illustrated, 889 pages (with CD ROM), $149.Robert L CoffeyRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 390-391;
Craig, Damian M
- You have accessCarbon Dioxide Elimination and Gas Displacement Vary With Piston Position During High-Frequency Oscillatory VentilationDonna S Hamel, Andrew L Katz, Damian M Craig, John D Davies and Ira M CheifetzRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 361-366;
Davies, John D
- You have accessCarbon Dioxide Elimination and Gas Displacement Vary With Piston Position During High-Frequency Oscillatory VentilationDonna S Hamel, Andrew L Katz, Damian M Craig, John D Davies and Ira M CheifetzRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 361-366;
El Masry, Ashraf
- You have accessThe Impact of Closed Endotracheal Suctioning Systems on Mechanical Ventilator PerformanceAshraf El Masry, Purris F Williams, Daniel W Chipman, Joseph P Kratohvil and Robert M KacmarekRespiratory Care March 2005, 50 (3) 345-353;