Index by author
July 01, 2007; Volume 52,Issue 7
Dhand, Rajiv
- You have accessThe Role of Aerosolized Antimicrobials in the Treatment of Ventilator-Associated PneumoniaRajiv DhandRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 866-884;
- You have accessInhaled Insulin: Extending the Horizons of Inhalation TherapyVamsi P Guntur and Rajiv DhandRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 911-922;
Farmer, J Christopher
- You have accessClinical Critical Care Medicine.Juan N Pulido and J Christopher FarmerRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 924-926;
Guntur, Vamsi P
- You have accessInhaled Insulin: Extending the Horizons of Inhalation TherapyVamsi P Guntur and Rajiv DhandRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 911-922;
Hess, Dean R
- You have accessPrinciples and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, 2nd edition.Dean R HessRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 923-924;
- You have accessThe 22nd Annual New Horizons Symposium: Clinical Respiratory PharmacologyDean R HessRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 819;
Kallet, Richard H
- You have accessThe Role of Inhaled Opioids and Furosemide for the Treatment of DyspneaRichard H KalletRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 900-910;
Macintyre, Neil R
- You have accessInhaled Corticosteroids in Obstructive Airway DiseaseGhee-Chee Phua and Neil R MacintyreRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 852-858;
Narita, Masahiro
- You have accessTuberculosis & Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections, 5th edition.Masahiro NaritaRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 926;
Op't Holt, Timothy B
- You have accessInhaled Beta AgonistsTimothy B Op't HoltRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 820-832;
Park, David R
- You have accessReichman and Hershfield's Tuberculosis: A Comprehensive International Approach, 3rd edition.David R ParkRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 926-927;
Phua, Ghee-Chee
- You have accessInhaled Corticosteroids in Obstructive Airway DiseaseGhee-Chee Phua and Neil R MacintyreRespiratory Care July 2007, 52 (7) 852-858;