Index by author
November 01, 2008; Volume 53,Issue 11
Boelle, Pierre-Yves
- You have accessPractice of Noninvasive Ventilation for Cystic Fibrosis: A Nationwide Survey in FranceBrigitte Fauroux, Pierre-Régis Burgel, Pierre-Yves Boelle, Claire Cracowski, Marléne Murris-Espin, Raphaele Nove-Josserand, Nathalie Stremler, Laurence Derlich, Philippe Giovanetti and Annick ClémentRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1482-1489;
Brown, Melissa K
- You have accessObjective Evaluation of Neonatal VentilatorsMelissa K BrownRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1432-1433;
Burgel, Pierre-Régis
- You have accessPractice of Noninvasive Ventilation for Cystic Fibrosis: A Nationwide Survey in FranceBrigitte Fauroux, Pierre-Régis Burgel, Pierre-Yves Boelle, Claire Cracowski, Marléne Murris-Espin, Raphaele Nove-Josserand, Nathalie Stremler, Laurence Derlich, Philippe Giovanetti and Annick ClémentRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1482-1489;
Choi, In-Sun
- You have accessSex Differences in Ambulatory Visits for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Based on the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey from 1995 to 2004Dong-Churl Suh, Helen Lau, Shibani M Pokras, In-Sun Choi and Elmira ValiyevaRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1461-1469;
Clement, Annick
- You have accessPractice of Noninvasive Ventilation for Cystic Fibrosis: A Nationwide Survey in FranceBrigitte Fauroux, Pierre-Régis Burgel, Pierre-Yves Boelle, Claire Cracowski, Marléne Murris-Espin, Raphaele Nove-Josserand, Nathalie Stremler, Laurence Derlich, Philippe Giovanetti and Annick ClémentRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1482-1489;
Cook, Deborah J
- You have accessA Study of the Physiologic Responses to a Lung Recruitment Maneuver in Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeMaureen O Meade, Deborah J Cook, Lauren E Griffith, Lori E Hand, Stephen E Lapinsky, Thomas E Stewart, Kieran J Killian, Arthur S Slutsky and Gordon H GuyattRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1441-1449;
Cracowski, Claire
- You have accessPractice of Noninvasive Ventilation for Cystic Fibrosis: A Nationwide Survey in FranceBrigitte Fauroux, Pierre-Régis Burgel, Pierre-Yves Boelle, Claire Cracowski, Marléne Murris-Espin, Raphaele Nove-Josserand, Nathalie Stremler, Laurence Derlich, Philippe Giovanetti and Annick ClémentRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1482-1489;
Daroowalla, Feroza
- You have accessMiners' Lung: A History of Dust Disease in British Coal MiningFeroza DaroowallaRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1499-1500;
Derlich, Laurence
- You have accessPractice of Noninvasive Ventilation for Cystic Fibrosis: A Nationwide Survey in FranceBrigitte Fauroux, Pierre-Régis Burgel, Pierre-Yves Boelle, Claire Cracowski, Marléne Murris-Espin, Raphaele Nove-Josserand, Nathalie Stremler, Laurence Derlich, Philippe Giovanetti and Annick ClémentRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1482-1489;
Diblasi, Robert M
- You have accessThe Impact of Imposed Expiratory Resistance in Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation: A Laboratory EvaluationRobert M Diblasi, John W Salyer, Jay C Zignego, Gregory J Redding and C Peter RichardsonRespiratory Care November 2008, 53 (11) 1450-1460;