Index by author
September 01, 2008; Volume 53,Issue 9
Bogot, Naama R
- You have accessComputed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance of the Thorax, 4th edition. David P Naidich MD, W Richard Webb MD,NestorLMüllerMDPhD, Ioannis Vlahos MB, and Glenn A Krinsky MD. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2007. Hard cover, illustrated, 897 pages, $149Naama R Bogot and Ella A KazerooniRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1234-1235;
Carlbom, David J
- You have accessPulmonary Embolism, 2nd edition. Paul DSteinMD.Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Futura. 2007. Hard cover, illustrated, 476 pages, $124.95.David J CarlbomRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1233-1234;
Casaburi, Richard
- You have accessA Brief History of Pulmonary RehabilitationRichard CasaburiRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1185-1189;
Dickson, Robert P
- You have accessA Case of Rapidly Progressive Necrotizing Pneumonia Caused by Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureusRobert P Dickson, Shay M Martinez and Justin R OrtizRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1223-1226;
Dunne, Patrick J
- You have accessNew Long-Term Oxygen Therapy Technology: The Transition ContinuesPatrick J DunneRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1163-1165;
Emery, Charles F
- You have accessNeuropsychiatric Function in Chronic Lung Disease: the Role of Pulmonary RehabilitationCharles F Emery, Marquisha R Green and Sooyeon SuhRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1208-1216;
Green, Marquisha R
- You have accessNeuropsychiatric Function in Chronic Lung Disease: the Role of Pulmonary RehabilitationCharles F Emery, Marquisha R Green and Sooyeon SuhRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1208-1216;
Haynes, Jeffrey M
- You have accessNonasthmatic Eosinophilic Bronchitis Mimics AsthmaJeffrey M HaynesRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1230;
Kazerooni, Ella A
- You have accessComputed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance of the Thorax, 4th edition. David P Naidich MD, W Richard Webb MD,NestorLMüllerMDPhD, Ioannis Vlahos MB, and Glenn A Krinsky MD. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2007. Hard cover, illustrated, 897 pages, $149Naama R Bogot and Ella A KazerooniRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1234-1235;
Lorish, Christopher D
- You have accessNew Guideline on Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update Is an Opportunity to AdvanceJonathan B Waugh and Christopher D LorishRespiratory Care September 2008, 53 (9) 1166-1168;