The 43rd Respiratory Care Journal Conference brought together experts from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to review the art and science of cystic fibrosis (CF). This is the first time that CF was the topic for the Journal Conference, and it came about 6 decades after the disease was named, and 20 years after the gene was discovered on chromosome 7. Though CF is a multisystem disease, it is the chronic and progressive lung disease that causes most of the morbidity and mortality. The participants at the conference reviewed the epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and novel therapies in the pipeline for CF lung disease. They also emphasized the many crucial roles that the respiratory therapist plays in CF, including diagnostic testing, aerosol therapies, airway clearance, infection control, patient and peer education, and patient advocacy. The May and June 2009 issues of the Journal reflect how diligently the participants worked to provide up-to-date reviews and lively discussions of these topics.
- Correspondence: David E Geller MD, Biomedical Research, Nemours Children's Clinic, 496 S Delaney Avenue, Suite 406A, Orlando FL 32801. E-mail: dgeller{at}nemours.org.
Dr Rubin presented a version of this paper at the 43rd Respiratory Care Journal Conference, “Respiratory Care and Cystic Fibrosis,” held September 26-28, 2008, in Scottsdale, Arizona.
- Copyright © 2009 by Daedalus Enterprises Inc.