The GOLD Guidelines Definition of Mild Airway Obstruction
Philip H Quanjer, Paul L Enright and Gregg L Ruppel On behalf of the Pulmonaria Group; the Australian and New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science; Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology; COPD and Asthma GP Advisory Group (CAHAG); Dutch Pediatric Respiratory Society; Education for Health, United Kingdom; National Respiratory Training Center, United States of America; Dutch Society of GPs (NHG); Dutch Thoracic Society, Dutch Society of Respiratory Technicians; Primary Care Respiratory Society, United Kingdom; Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale; World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA); and 147 co-signatories from 27 countries.
Respiratory Care October 2010, 55 (10) 1397-1398;
Philip H Quanjer
Department of Pulmonary Diseases and Department of Paediatrics Erasmus Medical Centre Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
MD PhDPaul L Enright
College of Public Health University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona
MDGregg L Ruppel
Pulmonary Function Laboratory Saint Louis University Hospital St Louis, Missouri

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In this issue
Respiratory Care
Vol. 55, Issue 10
1 Oct 2010
The GOLD Guidelines Definition of Mild Airway Obstruction
Philip H Quanjer, Paul L Enright, Gregg L Ruppel
Respiratory Care Oct 2010, 55 (10) 1397-1398;