Research ArticleOriginal Research
Multi-Wavelength Pulse Oximeter Is Not Suitable for Adjusting DLCO Measurements
Gregg L Ruppel, Holly A Wilson, Vanessa K Gall and John A Hempkens
Respiratory Care August 2011, 56 (8) 1115-1121; DOI:
Gregg L Ruppel
Pulmonary Function Laboratory, Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Department; and
Pulmonary Function Laboratory, Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Department; and
RPFTVanessa K Gall
Pulmonary Function Laboratory, Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Department; and
RRT CPFTJohn A Hempkens
Respiratory Care Department, St Louis University Hospital, St Louis, Missouri.
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In this issue
Respiratory Care
Vol. 56, Issue 8
1 Aug 2011
Multi-Wavelength Pulse Oximeter Is Not Suitable for Adjusting DLCO Measurements
Gregg L Ruppel, Holly A Wilson, Vanessa K Gall, John A Hempkens
Respiratory Care Aug 2011, 56 (8) 1115-1121; DOI: 10.4187/respcare.01142