Research ArticleOriginal Research
Heated Humidification Improves Clinical Outcomes, Compared to a Heat and Moisture Exchanger in Children With Tracheostomies
David G McNamara, M Innes Asher, Bruce K Rubin, Alistair Stewart and Catherine A Byrnes
Respiratory Care January 2014, 59 (1) 46-53; DOI:
David G McNamara
Department of Paediatrics, Child and Youth Health, University of Auckland, and with Starship Children's Hospital, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand.
MBChB FRACP PhDM Innes Asher
Department of Paediatrics, Child and Youth Health, University of Auckland, and with Starship Children's Hospital, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand.
MBChB FRACPBruce K Rubin
Children's Hospital of Richmond at Virginia Commonwealth University, and with the Department of Pediatrics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.
MEngr MD MBA FAARCAlistair Stewart
School of Population Health, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
MScCatherine A Byrnes
Department of Paediatrics, Child and Youth Health, University of Auckland, and with Starship Children's Hospital, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand.
MBChB FRACP GCCE MDIn this issue
Respiratory Care
Vol. 59, Issue 1
1 Jan 2014
Heated Humidification Improves Clinical Outcomes, Compared to a Heat and Moisture Exchanger in Children With Tracheostomies
David G McNamara, M Innes Asher, Bruce K Rubin, Alistair Stewart, Catherine A Byrnes
Respiratory Care Jan 2014, 59 (1) 46-53; DOI: 10.4187/respcare.02214