Research ArticleOriginal Research
Patterns and Factors Associated With Respiratory Care Protocol Use
Ashley Y Metcalf, James K Stoller, Timothy D Fry and Marco Habermann
Respiratory Care May 2015, 60 (5) 636-643; DOI:
Ashley Y Metcalf
College of Business, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
PhDJames K Stoller
Education Institute and Respiratory Institute, Departments of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio.
MD MSc FAARCTimothy D Fry
Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina.
PhDMarco Habermann
College of Business, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
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In this issue
Respiratory Care
Vol. 60, Issue 5
1 May 2015
Patterns and Factors Associated With Respiratory Care Protocol Use
Ashley Y Metcalf, James K Stoller, Timothy D Fry, Marco Habermann
Respiratory Care May 2015, 60 (5) 636-643; DOI: 10.4187/respcare.03699