Index by author
January 01, 2016; Volume 61,Issue 1
Agapakis, Dimitris I
- You have accessThe Role of Mean Platelet Volume in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ExacerbationDimitris I Agapakis, Eleni V Massa, Ioannis Hantzis, Stefanos Maraslis, Evagelos Alexiou, Konstantinos P Imprialos, Maria Damianidou and Emilios SatsoglouRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 44-49; DOI:
Albert, Tyler J
- You have accessCircumstances When Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Can Lead Us AstrayTyler J Albert and Erik R SwensonRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 119-121; DOI:
Alexiou, Evagelos
- You have accessThe Role of Mean Platelet Volume in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ExacerbationDimitris I Agapakis, Eleni V Massa, Ioannis Hantzis, Stefanos Maraslis, Evagelos Alexiou, Konstantinos P Imprialos, Maria Damianidou and Emilios SatsoglouRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 44-49; DOI:
Alzahrani, Yahya A
- You have accessAsthma Control Assessment ToolsYahya A Alzahrani and Ellen A BeckerRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 106-116; DOI:
Bahhady, Imad
- You have accessUse and Outcomes of Noninvasive Ventilation for Acute Respiratory Failure in Different Age GroupsAylin Ozsancak Ugurlu, Samy S Sidhom, Ali Khodabandeh, Michael Ieong, Chester Mohr, Denis Y Lin, Irwin Buchwald, Imad Bahhady, John Wengryn, Vinay Maheshwari and Nicholas S HillRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 36-43; DOI:
Bain, Jesse C
- You have accessEconomic Outcomes of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation With and Without Ambulation as a Bridge to Lung TransplantationJesse C Bain, David A Turner, Kyle J Rehder, Eric L Eisenstein, R Duane Davis, Ira M Cheifetz and David W ZaasRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 1-7; DOI:
Basso-vanelli, Renata P
- You have accessEffects of Inspiratory Muscle Training and Calisthenics-and-Breathing Exercises in COPD With and Without Respiratory Muscle WeaknessRenata P Basso-Vanelli, Valéria A Pires Di Lorenzo, Ivana G Labadessa, Eloisa M G Regueiro, Mauricio Jamami, Evelim LFD Gomes and Dirceu CostaRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 50-60; DOI:
Becker, Ellen A
- You have accessAsthma Control Assessment ToolsYahya A Alzahrani and Ellen A BeckerRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 106-116; DOI:
Bradbury, Ian
- You have accessApplying the Transtheoretical Model to Physical Activity Behavior in Individuals With Non-Cystic Fibrosis BronchiectasisJason J Wilson, Alison Kirk, Kate Hayes, Ian Bradbury, Suzanne McDonough, Mark A Tully, Brenda O'Neill and Judy M BradleyRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 68-77; DOI:
Bradley, Judy M
- You have accessApplying the Transtheoretical Model to Physical Activity Behavior in Individuals With Non-Cystic Fibrosis BronchiectasisJason J Wilson, Alison Kirk, Kate Hayes, Ian Bradbury, Suzanne McDonough, Mark A Tully, Brenda O'Neill and Judy M BradleyRespiratory Care January 2016, 61 (1) 68-77; DOI: