BACKGROUND: We investigated the measurement of end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PETCO2) with a capnometer in patients with respiratory failure, and we determined whether this technique could provide an alternative to measurement of PaCO2 using arterial blood gas analysis in the clinical setting.
METHODS: We measured PETCO2 in subjects with hypoxemic and hypercarbic respiratory failure using a capnometer. We simultaneously measured PaCO2, venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pv̄CO2), and transcutaneously measured partial pressure PCO2 (PtcCO2). We analyzed agreements among these parameters with Bland-Altman analysis. We obtained 30 samples from subjects with hypoxemic respiratory failure and 30 samples from subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure.
RESULTS: Thirty subjects with hypoxemic respiratory failure and 18 subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure participated in this study. Significant relationships were found between PETCO2 and PaCO2, between PtcCO2 and PaCO2, and between Pv̄CO2 and PaCO2. Bland-Altman analysis of PETCO2 and PaCO2 in all subjects revealed a bias of 6.48 mm Hg (95% CI 4.93–8.03, P < .001) with a precision of 6.01 mm Hg. Bland-Altman analysis of PETCO2 and PaCO2 with hypoxemic respiratory failure revealed a bias of 5.14 mm Hg (95% CI 3.35–6.93, P < .001) with a precision of 4.80 mm Hg. Bland-Altman analysis of PETCO2 and PaCO2 in subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure revealed a bias of 7.83 mm Hg (95% CI 5.27–10.38, P < .001) with a precision of 6.83 mm Hg.
CONCLUSIONS: PETCO2 can be measured simply using a capnometer, and PETCO2 measurements can estimate PaCO2. However, the limits of agreement were wide. Therefore, care providers must pay attention to the characteristics and errors of these devices. These results suggest that measurement of PETCO2 might be useful for screening for hypercarbic respiratory failure in the clinical setting.
Hypoxemic respiratory failure is a respiratory disorder in which patients have a PaO2 in room air of ≤ 60 mm Hg and a PaCO2 < 45 mm Hg due to respiratory dysfunction. In contrast, a PaCO2 of > 45 mm Hg is defined as hypercarbic respiratory failure. Evaluation of hypercapnia and hypoxemia is essential when treating patients with respiratory disease, especially patients with hypercapnic respiratory failure. Arterial blood sampling is therefore required, sometimes repeatedly, but ideally noninvasive techniques should be used when possible to monitor the patient's respiratory condition in the hospital, as well as in out-patient clinics.1 Oxygen saturation is thus commonly measured because pulse oximetry offers a simple and noninvasive approach.
Measurement of end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PETCO2) also provides a noninvasive method for estimating PaCO2; however, it is difficult to collect pure respiratory gas in patients who are not intubated, making it difficult to measure PETCO2 accurately. We previously measured PETCO2 by attaching a monitor to the ventilator circuit, and measurement of PETCO2 has therefore usually been limited to patients in settings such as the operating room and ICU.2 It is unknown whether measurement of PETCO2 using a capnometer in spontaneously breathing patients can be used as an alternative measurement of PaCO2 to using arterial blood gas analysis in the clinical setting. We therefore evaluated PETCO2 measured with a capnometer and PaCO2 in subjects with hypoxemic and hypercarbic respiratory failure and calculated their agreement and accuracy. We also compared these characteristics for transcutaneously measured partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PtcCO2), which is covered by insurance in Japan, and venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pv̄CO2) against PaCO2.
Current knowledge
Evaluation of hypercapnia and hypoxemia is essential when treating patients with respiratory disease, especially in patients with hypercapnic respiratory failure. It is preferable to use the most noninvasive monitoring technique possible to monitor the patient's respiratory condition.
What this paper contributes to our knowledge
PETCO2 can be measured simply using a capnometer. Measurement of PETCO2 in spontaneously breathing patients might be useful for screening for hypercapnic respiratory failure. However, clinicians must be aware of the characteristics and potential errors of these devices.
Ethical Consideration
This was a prospective observational cohort study of subjects who received out-patient care or were admitted to the National Center for Global Health and Medicine between February 2017 and April 2017. All subjects provided informed consent for inclusion before participation in the study. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Clinical Investigation for the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (Approval Number: NCGM-G-002135–00).
PETCO2 was measured using a CapnoEye MC-600 (Air Water Medical, Tokyo, Japan). This is a transportable mainstream pulse oxi-capnometer that enables measurement of PETCO2 and oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry at the patient's bedside, either in the hospital or at the patient's home (Fig. 1A, 1B). Measurements were performed using a mouthpiece from a conventional capnometer, but with the device's own analysis algorithm. Subjects held the mouthpiece in their mouth and breathed quietly 6 times. PETCO2 measurements were based on a nondispersive infrared absorption method, which utilizes the ability to absorb infrared light of a wavelength corresponding to the concentration of carbon dioxide contained in the expired gas. Infrared light is irradiated toward and absorbed by the respiratory gas, and the amount of remaining light is detected by a light receiver through 2 types of optical filters. The PETCO2 level was then obtained based on the measured value.
PtcCO2 was measured with a TCM TOSCA device (Radiometer Basel AG, Basel, Switzerland) (Fig. 1C), which is an established method for obtaining PtcCO2. Several reports have described its use as a monitor,3 and it has demonstrated good correlation between PaCO2 and PtcCO2 when used in the operating room.4 The device was calibrated beforehand using carbon dioxide gas built into the TCM TOSCA. The probe was then attached to the earlobe using a dedicated clip, and PtcCO2 was recorded after the value measured by the TCM TOSCA had stabilized.
Arterial blood samples were drawn from either the right or left radial artery and collected via a heparinized needle and syringe system. Venous blood samples were drawn from either the right or left antecubital vein and aspirated into a separate heparinized blood gas syringe via a needle. The samples were analyzed using a blood gas analyzer (GASTAT 602i; Techno Medica, Yokohama, Japan) as quickly as possible after collection.
Subjects and Study Design
We screened and registered subjects already known to satisfy the definitions of respiratory failure regarding PaO2 measures prior to being placed on supplemental oxygen. We simultaneously measured PETCO2, PaCO2, Pv̄CO2, and PtcCO2, and we then analyzed the relationships among these parameters and compared the measured data between the 2 groups.
Measurements were performed while the subjects rested in a sitting position. A constant oxygen dose was administered during the measurement period, but this was interrupted immediately before PETCO2 measurement to prevent the oxygen flow from affecting the value measured with the capnometer. Oxygen administration was resumed promptly upon completion of the measurement.
Statistical Analysis
We estimated the required sample size based on data provided by the manufacturer of the capnometer (Air Water Medical); 30 measurements were required for each type of respiratory failure (ie, hypoxemic and hypercarbic).
Data are presented as mean ± SD. We analyzed the agreements between PETCO2 and PaCO2 and between PtcCO2 and PaCO2 with Bland-Altman analysis, and we calculated the estimated bias (ie, the mean difference between 2 methods) and precision (ie, 1 SD of the differences) in subjects with hypoxemic respiratory failure, in subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure, and in both groups as a whole. Pairwise comparison of characteristics was performed with the Fisher exact test for categorical variables and with the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for non-normally distributed numerical variables. Statistical analysis was performed using JMP 13 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina).
Subject Characteristics
Subjects' main characteristics are shown in Table 1; 30 subjects with hypoxemic respiratory failure and 18 subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure participated in this study. We collected a total of 60 samples (ie, 30 samples from subjects with hypoxemic respiratory failure and 30 samples from subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure) to confirm the accuracy of the examination in subjects with either high or low carbon dioxide measurements. Some subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure therefore underwent more than one measurement. The mean age of the subjects was 76 ± 11 years. The subjects had various underlying diseases, of which COPD was the most common. Thoracic deformity tended to be more common in subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure.
Relationships Among Respiratory Function Measures in All Subjects
Agreements between PETCO2 and PaCO2, between PtcCO2 and PaCO2, and between Pv̄CO2 and PaCO2 in all subjects are shown in Figure 2. Bland-Altman analysis between PETCO2 and PaCO2 revealed a bias of 6.48 mm Hg (95% CI, 4.93–8.03, P < .001) with a precision of 6.01 mm Hg. Bland-Altman analysis between PtcCO2 and PaCO2 revealed a bias of 1.25 mm Hg (95% CI, −0.12 to 2.63, P =.037) with a precision of 5.35 mm Hg. Bland-Altman analysis between Pv̄CO2 and PaCO2 revealed a bias of −7.08 mm Hg (95% CI, −9.18 to −4.97, P < .001) with a precision of 8.14 mm Hg.
Relationships Among Respiratory Function Measures in Subjects With Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
Bland-Altman analysis between PETCO2 and PaCO2 in subjects with hypoxemic respiratory failure revealed a bias of 5.14 mm Hg (95% CI, 3.35–6.93, P < .001) with a precision of 4.80 mm Hg. Bland-Altman analysis between PtcCO2 and PaCO2 revealed a bias of 0.97 mm Hg (95% CI, −0.59 to 2.54, P = .10) with a precision of 4.19 mm Hg. Bland-Altman analysis between Pv̄CO2 and PaCO2 revealed a bias of −7.79 mm Hg (95% CI −9.80 to −5.77, P < .001) with a precision of 5.51 mm Hg.
Relationships Among Respiratory Function Measures in Subjects With Hypercarbic Respiratory Failure
Bland-Altman analysis between PETCO2 and PaCO2 in subjects with hypercarbic respiratory failure revealed a bias of 7.83 mm Hg (95% CI 5.27–10.38, P < .001) with a precision of 6.83 mm Hg. Bland-Altman analysis between PtcCO2 and PaCO2 revealed a bias of 1.53 mm Hg (95% CI −0.84 to 3.90, P = .09) with a precision of 6.36 mm Hg. Bland-Altman analysis between Pv̄CO2 and PaCO2 revealed a bias of −6.37 mm Hg (95% CI, −10.0 to −2.65, P < .001) with a precision of 10.2 mm Hg.
Our findings showed that simple and noninvasive measurements of PETCO2 with a capnometer estimated PaCO2. However, the limits of agreement were wide. Therefore, care providers must pay attention to the characteristics and errors of these devices.
PETCO2 is often measured in closed circuits in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. In the absence of significant changes in cardiac output or the ventilation/perfusion ratio, PaCO2 can then be estimated with clinically acceptable sensitivity and specificity in comparison with PETCO2.5,6 However, accurate measurement of PETCO2 has been problematic in patients who are not intubated because it is difficult to collect pure respiratory gas. Several recently developed transportable capnometers can measure PETCO2 easily and noninvasively in patients who are not intubated, and a recent study showed that they could provide reliable PETCO2 values compared with PaCO2.7 We therefore examined the usefulness of this approach in terms of the principle, experience of use, and measured values. A previous study showed that PETCO2 was 2–5 mm Hg lower than PaCO2 during general anesthesia in subjects without lung disease,8 and we observed that PETCO2 was 6 ± 6 mm Hg lower than PaCO2. This study revealed wide limits of agreement in each group, which suggests that the measurement of PETCO2 with a capnometer requires attention to the characteristics and errors of these devices.
PtcCO2 is more accurate than other measurements in any patient group. However, PtcCO2 is complicated to measure and the required equipment is expensive, and therefore this technique is less widely used than pulse oximetry. There is thus a need to develop devices that can easily estimate PaCO2.
A previous study reported that PaCO2 measurements at the time of COPD exacerbation could be replaced with Pv̄CO2 measurements.9 However, although Pv̄CO2 may be a useful measure, venous blood sampling is mildly invasive. Our results indicate that PETCO2 agreed with PaCO2 as well as or better than Pv̄CO2 in any subject group, suggesting that PETCO2 may be a more useful measure than Pv̄CO2.
The relative advantages and disadvantages of the capnometer and the transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitor are shown in Table 2. The capnometer is small and easy to carry, allowing it to be used regardless of location. In addition, measurements can be performed within a few minutes, allowing its use even during out-patient clinical practice. It can also be used in settings outside of the hospital or out-patient clinic where blood gas analysis is not an option, such as during house calls. We observed no measurement-related complications in this study, and the patient burden was very small. Furthermore, the only equipment required is disposable mouthpieces, allowing the capnometer to measure PETCO2 at low cost. The capnometer has a disadvantage, however, in that the measured value changes depending on the patient's breathing pattern, and measured values of inhaled oxygen may be affected by oxygen flow. The developer of the device states that supplemental O2 does not significantly affect the examination value at a flow ≤ 2 L of nasal oxygen. However, administration must be interrupted in cases of higher oxygen flows. In our study, we interrupted oxygen delivery at the time of measurement, and we therefore did not consider the relationship between oxygen flow and the measured value. Further studies are needed to clarify the effect of oxygen administration.
Another disadvantage of the capnometer is its inability to continuously monitor and record measurement values inside the equipment. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitors provide such measurements, and our results indicate that PtcCO2 is more accurate than PETCO2. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitors also measure PtcCO2 continuously, and they can be used in patients with altered mental status, making them useful in ICUs and operating rooms. However, the measurement method is complicated and lengthy, and errors are caused by mixing of air. Furthermore, low-temperature burns have also been reported,11 and the device must therefore be moved periodically to avoid this complication. This technique is limited further by the relative expense of the equipment and accessories. In addition, measurements obtained with transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitors tend to be higher than the PaCO2 when the measured value is ≥ 50 mm Hg.4 We confirmed that measurement of PETCO2 with a capnometer could provide a simpler approach than measurement of PtcCO2.
This study had several limitations. First, the capnometer measurement depends on the subject's breathing pattern, thus the examiner must be familiar with the measurement method. Furthermore, caution is needed because expired air may leak from the corners of the patient's nose and mouth. Although PETCO2 was measured only once in this study, it may be possible to reduce error by measuring PETCO2 several times and using the average value. Second, numerous factors reportedly weaken the correlation between PETCO2 and PaCO2 in mechanically ventilated patients,11,12 including severe respiratory failure, obesity, pregnancy, breathing frequency at the time of measurement, and posture,13–15 and these factors should also be taken into consideration when measuring PETCO2 with a capnometer. Third, some patients with hypercarbic respiratory failure underwent repeated measurements, which may be a source of bias. Finally, although we drew from either the right or left antecubital vein and took the tourniquet time as the minimum necessary time, we attempted to reduce the bias as much as possible by having the same researcher draw blood in the same way for all samples. In contrast, Pv̄CO2 is affected by local conditions, such as muscle conditions, and does not represent the partial pressure of central venous carbon dioxide, which may partly explain why Pv̄CO2 had a poor agreement with PaCO2. PETCO2 and PtcCO2 have shown agreements with PaCO2 commensurate with the increasing accuracy of the measuring instruments, and these measurements have become clinically applied as a substitute for PaCO2. However, caution is required for its application, and use without knowing the advantages and disadvantages of this method may result in erroneous results and improper clinical interpretation. Further studies are needed to assess their suitability in different diseases and clinical situations.
In this study, PETCO2 can be measured simply and noninvasively with a capnometer, and PETCO2 measurements can estimate PaCO2. However, the limits of agreement were wide. Therefore, care providers must pay attention to the characteristics and potential errors of these devices. Our results suggest that measurement of PETCO2 might be useful for screening for hypercarbic respiratory failure in the clinical setting, although further studies are needed to confirm the usefulness of these measurements.
We are grateful to the study members and their friends and families for their continued support. We are also grateful to Dr Noriko Tanaka and the medical research coordinators and laboratory technicians at National Center for Global Health and Medicine for their assistance with data analysis and management. Finally, we thank Angela Morben DVM ELS and Susan Furness PhD, from Edanz Group, for editing a draft of this manuscript.
- Correspondence: Manabu Suzuki MD, Department of Respiratory Medicine, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, 1-21-1 Toyama Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8655, Japan. E-mail: manabu{at}nms.ac.jp.
Dr Fujimoto presented the results at the 2017 Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, held November 23-26, 2017, in Sydney, Australia.
Air Water Medical provided the CapnoEye MC-600 device free of charge. The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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