Nearly two decades ago, Nuckton and colleagues1 published their seminal study demonstrating that physiologic dead space fraction (VD/VT) was independently associated with mortality in ARDS.1 This and other studies of dead space were facilitated by the availability of indirect calorimetry and volumetric capnography that have made expired CO2 collection easy. Its ready availability opened the door for numerous studies that have consistently demonstrated the importance of measuring VD/VT in furthering our understanding of ARDS pathophysiology,2,3 as well as assessing the effects of pharmacologic therapies,4 prone positioning,5 PEEP, and recruitment maneuvers.6,7 More recently, VD/VT was found useful in predicting the effectiveness of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal that allows for “ultra-protective ventilation.”8
Unfortunately, neither widespread availability of user-friendly technology, nor the wealth of data demonstrating the importance of measuring dead space in ARDS, has translated into widespread adoption in clinical management. Rather the momentum has steadily shifted toward relying upon indirect estimations of VD/VT using the Harris-Benedict equation for determining CO2 generation per minute () and hence the derivation of fractional concentration of expired CO2 () and thus partial pressure ().9
A practical motivation for using noncapnographic estimates of VD/VT is the ability to analyze large prospective and retrospective studies that otherwise would be unavailable for assessing the impact of dead-space ventilation. Yet reluctance to routinely measure VD/VT in ARDS appears grounded in a perception that volumetric capnography is (unreasonably) expensive or that it requires an inordinate amount of training, neither of which I have found to be true. Nonetheless, indirect estimations using either the Harris-Benedict equation or the ventilatory ratio appear to possess a reasonable approximation for assessing mortality risk in ARDS.9,10 Whether indirect estimates of VD/VT are accurate enough for monitoring syndrome progression and recovery, titrating PEEP, or judging the impact of other therapies has not been determined.
In the current issue of the Journal, Dianti and colleagues11 have begun to address this issue. Using an ARDSNet database that measured VD/VT using volumetric capnography,12 the investigators compared direct capnograhic measurements of both physiologic and alveolar dead space to estimates based on the Harris-Benedict equation. The primary objective was to evaluate the level of agreement between direct measurements and indirect estimates of dead space and its subsequent impact on predicting the reduction of driving pressure (ie, plateau pressure – PEEP) during extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal. The secondary outcome was to evaluate the strength of association between VD/VT and 60-d mortality with each technique.
The investigators reported that anticipated reductions in driving pressure with extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal using estimated VD/VT produced “reasonable agreement” with those based on measured dead space.11 While this is a welcome result in terms of pursing ultra-protective ventilation, it was overshadowed by another finding that calls into question the reliability of estimated VD/VT in assessing mortality risk. Only a modest correlation was found between estimated and measured VD/VT, so that values derived from the Harris-Benedict equation overestimated measured VD/VT by 0.05. Most of the error was attributed to underestimation of resulting in falsely lower and and hence falsely elevated VD/VT. In contrast, another study using estimated VD/VT found that it underestimated measured VD/VT.5
It is important to emphasize that under pathologic conditions deviates from CO2 production and represents CO2 excretion. This occurs due to complex, intertwined, dynamic factors such as variations in cardiac output, distribution of systemic and pulmonary perfusion, and the body’s enormous capacity to store CO2. Over 20 years of measuring dead space in patients with ARDS, I have observed that can fluctuate by 3–9 mm Hg over relatively brief periods (eg, 5–30 min). This in turn can introduce errors of 10–20% if blood gas procurement does not coincide with expired gas collection. Furthermore, when performing indirect calorimetry in a clinic setting, I have also encountered large, transient fluctuations in and apparently caused by minor events (eg, muscle spasm in the lower extremities) without any overt signs of patient discomfort. These observations underscore the scientific necessity of simultaneously monitoring for relative stability both before and during arterial blood sampling. Moreover, it emphasizes the vulnerability of estimated to error because it is unrelated to the actual and sometimes unstable conditions of CO2 excretion present when arterial blood gases are obtained.
The consequence of such vulnerability to error was present in the study by Dianti and et al11 and manifested as a failure of estimated VD/VT to predict mortality risk. This finding is at odds with previous studies.9,13 Whereas Dianti and colleagues11 speculated that the combination of low mortality and small sample size may have reduced statistical power to detect a relationship between estimated VD/VT and mortality risk, I suggest a more nuanced interpretation.
Subjects enrolled into prospective therapeutic ARDS trials are recognized as having lower mortality compared to the general ARDS population.14 This stems from the necessity to exclude subjects with certain comorbidities and clinical presentations (eg, perceived moribund condition) that would interfere with detecting the presence of a “therapeutic signal.” The database used for the current study is a salient example given the extraordinarily low 60-d mortality of 19%; this is also reflected in a relatively low mean VD/VT of ≤ 0.58 over 3 study days.12 In our previous dead-space studies of subjects with ARDS managed with either traditional or lung-protective ventilation (and not enrolled into prospective therapeutic trials), a VD/VT ≥ 0.60 was associated with a significantly higher mortality risk, with odds ratios of 4.28 (95% CI 1.74–9.97) and 3.08 (95% CI 2.18–4.33), respectively (P < .001).15,16
Thus, in these particular subjects with ARDS, the error caused by estimating using the Harris-Benedict equation was enough to produce a positive bias that falsely elevated mean VD/VT above this nodal point. This might help explain why estimated VD/VT failed to be associated with mortality risk. Whether this type of error might occur only in those with inherently lower mortality risk remains an open question. Regardless, clinicians and researchers alike should be cognizant of the vulnerability to error that estimated VD/VT measurements pose and temper both their interpretations and conclusions accordingly.
- Correspondence: Richard H Kallet MSc RRT FAARC. E-mail: richkallet{at}
See the Original Study on Page 559
The author has disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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