Article Figures & Data
Figure 1 displays the average PIP, PEEP and RR for BVM ventilation from RTs before and after education of targets
- BVM Scenario Information
Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C Scenario Details Provided 6kg, 3-month-old found unresponsive at home. Patient has a pulse, but is apneic and requires rescue breathing, currently performed by RN. No previous medical history. 10kg, 11-month-old ex 27-weeker with RSV bronchiolitis who is actively decompensating. Previous history of BPD and Chronic Lung Disease. Currently on Vapotherm of 12L at 100%. Immediate need for manual ventilation, decision made to intubate. 60kg, 15-year-old patient who was in an MVC. GCS = 5. No previous medical history. Patient with agonal respirations. Physiological Feedback Available to RTs (if requested) SPo2 Heart RateetC02Level of Consciousness SPo2 Heart RateetC02Level of Consciousness SPo2 Heart RateetC02Level of Consciousness Bag/Mask Ventilation Targets PIP = 20 PEEP = 5RR= 30 PIP = 30 PEEP = 10RR= 30 PIP = 20 PEEP = 5RR= 12 Table 1 shows the scenario details and target BVM PIP, PEEP, and RR for each.
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