Background: Limited research exists specific to leadership qualities within the respiratory care (RC) profession. The aim of this study was to identify and determine student perceptions of leadership qualities and receive feedback from respiratory care leaders interviewed.
Methods: IRB approval obtained from Midwestern State University (MSU), filed with Texas State University (TSU). A semi-structured interview was developed specific to respiratory care leadership as part of a respiratory care leadership course where students enrolled in two Texas Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care (BSRC) programs interviewed RC leaders during the 2019-2021 academic years. All student (n = 120) identifiers were anonymized and uploaded into the Quirkos software program (www.quirkos.com) for thematic content analysis. The RC leaders completed an anonymous Survey Monkey™ survey to obtain perceptions of the student interview experience. Simple analysis was completed.
Results: Saturation was obtained after 36 submissions, 18 samples from each BSRC program. Analysis resulted in 3 themes: 1. Personality traits; 2. professionalism; and 3. continuing education. Personality themes were related to accountability and communication. Themes associated with professionalism were reinvesting in the future, recognition, and professional networking. Continuing education was linked to growth through education, taking advantage of learning opportunities and constructive criticism. Of the respiratory care leaders, 100% (n = 50) participated, yet 2 did not complete the survey. All (n = 50) agree or strongly agree they participate in the interview because respiratory care students represent the future. While 98% (n = 49) agreed or strongly agreed they would participate in the future when asked. Only 48 Leaders (96%) agreed or strongly agreed the interview questions were appropriate.
Conclusions: Future RC leaders may consider personality traits, professionalism and continuing education when pursuing leadership roles. Furthermore, current RC leaders have a strong desire to continue supporting this project.
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