BACKGROUND: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is an increasingly common test and is considered the accepted standard for assessing exercise capacity. Quantifying variability is important to assess the instrument for quality control purposes. Though guidelines recommend biologic control testing, there are minimal data on how to do it. We sought to describe variability for oxygen consumption (V̇O2), carbon dioxide production (V̇CO2), and minute ventilation (V̇E) at various work rates under steady-state conditions in multiple subjects over a 1-y period to provide a practical approach to assess and perform biologic control testing.
METHODS: We performed a single-center, prospective study with 4 healthy subjects, 2 men and 2 women. Subjects performed constant work rate exercise tests for 6 min each at 25–100 W intervals on a computer-controlled cycle ergometer. Data were averaged over the last 120 s at each work rate to reflect stepwise steady-state conditions. Descriptive statistics, including the mean, median, range, SD, and coefficient of variation (CoV) are reported for each individual across the 4 work rates and all repetitions. As these data were normative, z-scores were utilized, and a value greater than ± 1.96 z-scores was used to define significant test variability.
RESULTS: Subjects performed 16–39 biocontrol studies over 1-y. The mean CoV for all subjects in V̇O2 was 6.59%, V̇CO2 was 6.41%, and V̇E was 6.32%. The ± 1.96 z-scores corresponded to a 9.4–18.1% change in V̇O2, a 9.6–18.1% change in V̇CO2, and a 9–21.5% change in V̇E across the 4 workloads.
CONCLUSIONS: We report long-term variability for steady-state measurement of V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E obtained during biocontrol testing. Utilizing ± 1.96 z-scores allows one to determine if a result exceeds expected variability, which may warrant investigation of the instrument.
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is a commonly used and clinically useful pulmonary laboratory test.1,2 It is considered the accepted standard for assessing functional exercise capacity and for evaluating otherwise unexplained exertional dyspnea among other indications. Quantifying long-term (at least 1-y) variability of CPET parameters is important in instrument quality control. The accepted premise of physiologic validation, or biologic control testing (biocontrols), is that physiological responses to exercise in healthy individuals are highly repeatable. Assuming stable physiology of biocontrols, changes in CPET parameters that exceed normal variability suggest that an instrument is not providing precise results and that technical factors need to be addressed. Instrument measurement errors may result in spurious results leading to misdiagnosis, incorrect conclusions, unnecessary diagnostic evaluation, and even inappropriate therapy. There is limited information regarding long-term intra-individual variability of CPET parameters in biocontrols and the optimal method for assessing such variability.3,4 The studies that are available utilized a treadmill, as opposed to a cycle ergometer that allows work rate to be more accurately quantified. The 2003 American Thoracic Society/American College of Chest Physicians (ATS/ACCP) statement on CPET recommends “physiologic/biologic validation, in which a healthy member of the laboratory staff, consuming a stable diet, performs a constant work rate test at varying workloads (eg, 50 and 100 or 150 W) at regular intervals depending on machine use.”5
The purposes of this study were 2-fold: (1) to describe the normal intra-individual variability for oxygen consumption (V̇O2), carbon dioxide production (V̇CO2), and minute ventilation (V̇E) at several work rates under steady-state conditions over a 1-y time period; and (2) use this variability to provide a practical approach for performing biocontrol testing in a clinical CPET laboratory. The goal of this study was not to describe how well the instrument reflected true values (accuracy) but how close measurements were to each other (precision). Subject variability is also referred to as repeatability, with low variability reflecting high repeatability.
Current Knowledge
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is commonly used and considered the accepted standard for assessing functional exercise capacity. However, there is limited information on long-term CPET biocontrol variability and how to best implement and perform biocontrol testing in a busy clinical pulmonary/exercise laboratory.
What This Paper Contributes to Our Knowledge
We show that long-term variability in oxygen consumption (V̇O2), carbon dioxide production (V̇CO2), and minute ventilation (V̇E) biocontrols was similar to that as described in other settings. The use of ± 5% for V̇O2, ± 6% for V̇CO2, and ± 5.5% for V̇E may be too restrictive when performing biocontrol testing. Utilizing ± 1.96 z-scores is an alternate method that appears practical in a busy clinical laboratory.
Study Design and Subjects
We performed a single-center, prospective study with 4 healthy subjects, 2 men and 2 women, ranging in age from 34–56 y at the time of study initiation. All subjects had normal pulmonary function tests including spirometry and diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III and Crapo reference values, respectively, and normal symptom-limited maximal CPETs using Hansen reference values.6-8 The Intermountain Healthcare Institutional Review Board provided a waiver of informed consent because this study involved normal laboratory quality control measures. No outside funding was provided for this study.
Testing Procedure and Data Collection
CPET was performed using a computer-controlled cycle ergometer with a Vyaire Vmax system (software version 28–7; model 229N E, Vyaire, Mettawa, Illinois). The cycle ergometer was calibrated for accuracy by the manufacturer prior to this study. The mass flow sensor and gas analyzers were calibrated before each test following manufacturer’s recommendations and met current standards for accuracy, reproducibility, and response time.5,9 Oxygen gas analyzer calibration was performed using 3-point calibration utilizing room air; primary standard gas mixture with 26.0% oxygen and balance nitrogen; and certified standard gas mixture with 16.0% oxygen, 4.0% carbon dioxide, and balance nitrogen. The barometric pressure and temperature were measured by the instrument and ranged from 642–670 mm Hg and 19.5–22.7°C, respectively. The subjects performed 4 constant work rate exercise tests for 6 min each at 25-W intervals (25–100 W). Subjects were instructed to avoid exercise and have a consistent light breakfast on all testing days. Our overall goal was for each subject to perform 2–3 tests per month over 1-y. Testing was not performed if the subject reported illness or injury. Testing was performed at the same time of day ± 2 h. A Hans Rudolph 7450 Series Silicone V2i Oro-Nasal Mask (Hans Rudolph, Shawnee, Kansas) was worn during testing. Each test was reviewed for evidence of air leak or other technical irregularities. Data were collected on a breath-by-breath basis and averaged over the last 120 s of each workload to reflect steady-state conditions. Each test was also reviewed for evidence that the anaerobic threshold had been attained or exceeded. Anaerobic threshold was exceeded if the V̇O2 or V̇CO2 versus time tracing was not linear (slope > 0). Because this appeared consistently in subject #4 at the 100-W work rate and represented a non–steady-state condition, these data were excluded.
Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistics, including the mean, median, range, SD, and coefficient of variation (CoV), are reported for each individual at each work rate for V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E. Average CoVs for V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E across the 4 work rates are also reported to further describe the repeatability of these measures. Following Rozali and Wah’s10 recommendation, we evaluated normality of our measures with 3 approaches: (1) boxplots of z-scores, (2) skew and kurtosis, and (3) Shapiro-Wilk test of normality. Our criterion for establishing normality involved a combination of all 3 approaches. If the absolute value of the ratios of skew and kurtosis to their standard errors were less than 1.96, Shapiro-Wilk scores were nonsignificant, and boxplots resembled normality (ie, medians were near the mean horizontal line [Z-score = 0] and boxplot shape was approximately symmetrical), we concluded that the distribution for a particular measure was normally distributed. Because repeated biocontrol testing data satisfied all 3 normality criteria (Table 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1; see related supplementary material at http://www.rcjournal.com.), we were able to use z-scores, refer them to the standard normal distribution, and rely on a z-score threshold of ± 1.96 to identify significant test variability. According to standard normal distribution logic, z-scores ± 1.96 encompass 95% of observations and are commonly used to define observations within normal range.
A z-score measures the number of SD a data point lies above or below the mean. When doing biologic control testing, z-scores are calculated as testing value minus sample mean, divided by the sample SD ([x – ] /SD). Finally, for V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E values greater than ± 1.96 z-scores from the mean, we calculated percent change from the original mean. Percent change values estimated how much each measure must deviate from its mean to be considered anomalous.
Subject #1 performed 39 tests; subject #2 performed 22; subject #3 performed 28, and subject #4 performed 16 during the study period. The subjects age range was 34–56 y, and body mass index was 19.8–26.7 kg/m2 (see Table 1). The mean V̇O2 in L/min and mL/kg/min is also reported in Table 1. Descriptive statistics are reported in Table 2 for each subject across the 4 workloads for V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E. There were fewer measures for V̇E as it was not recorded in the first several tests. For all 4 subjects, we found limited variability in the first 8 test scores (data not shown) for V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E. This limited variability led to our decision to start computing z-scores after 8 tests. The mean CoV for all subjects was 6.59% for V̇O2, 6.41% for V̇CO2, and 6.32% for V̇E (excluding subject #4 from the 100-W work rate). The percentage change values from the original mean for V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E > 1.96 z-scores were variable. Table 3 shows that for subject #1 the percentage change ranges from 11.1–15.9%. Corresponding values for subject #2 were 9.4–14.1%, subject #3 were 8.7–15.9%, and subject #4 were 11.5–21.5% (see related supplementary material at http://www.rcjournal.com).
This is the first study, to our knowledge, that describes long-term variability in important CPET variables, V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E, at several work rates with a cycle ergometer using a biocontrol protocol as suggested in the ATS/ACCP statement on CPET.5 Because the data satisfied criteria for being normally distributed, we suggest the use of z-scores to describe biocontrol variability. A value greater than ± 1.96 z-scores signals an instrument may not be providing precise results and should prompt further investigation.
There is relatively little consensus about the correct or best way to perform biocontrol testing, although it is an essential component for monitoring the precision of testing instruments. The 2003 ATS/ACCP statement on CPET remains a definitive document on this topic and notes, “Subsequent steady state values for V̇E, V̇O2, and V̇CO2 are then compared with the database and values outside the 95% CI for that individual should engender a thorough systemwide reassessment.”5 This recommendation appears to come from a single study utilizing 35 biocontrol tests performed in one person over a 2.5-y period on a treadmill.4 The authors concluded that variations in V̇O2, V̇CO2, and heart rate should be < 5%, whereas the variability in V̇E should be < 7%.
The ATS Pulmonary Function Laboratory Management and Procedure Manual does comment on CPET quality control (chapter 19) with little mention of evidence base other than to reference the 2010 Clinician’s Guide to Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Adults, a scientific statement piece from the American Heart Association.9,11 In the latter, the authors note limits of variation of ± 5% for V̇O2, ± 6% for V̇CO2, and ± 5.5% for V̇E. Elsewhere in this manual (chapter 5, quality control), Westgard’s rules are discussed as originally described in 1977.11,12 These rules utilizing “warning” and “out of control” conditions are not straightforward to implement in the case of CPET where there are several parameters being evaluated at once across different workloads compared to spirometry or diffusing capacity biocontrols. Otherwise, there is little discussion of, or reference to, Westgard’s rules when it comes to quality control in the clinical pulmonary laboratory in general but also for CPET specifically as this is not mentioned in either of the documents by the ATS/ACCP or American Heart Association.5,9 The recently published Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology Statement on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing 2021 does attempt to address some of these issues, and whereas they recommend use of Westgard’s rules, they acknowledge that these may not inform accurately on errors due to “subject variability.”13
A more contemporary study by Porszasz et al3 described quality control in the context of multi-center clinical trials utilizing treadmills where within-lab CoV at 20 W and 70 W, respectively, was 8.5% and 5.8% for V̇O2, 9.2% and 7.2% for V̇CO2, and 8.3% and 6.3% for V̇E. Prior data from our laboratory assessed short-term variability of CPET parameters during an incremental ramp test on a cycle ergometer in healthy subjects and also reported similar variability with a CoV of 4.9% in peak V̇O2, 10.4% in V̇O2 at anerobic threshold, 7.4% in peak V̇E, and 11.0% in V̇E at anaerobic threshold.14 These studies provide similar estimates of variability. Our findings suggest that the use of ± 5% for V̇O2, ± 6% for V̇CO2, and ± 5.5% for V̇E may be too restrictive, suggesting a problem with an instrument, when in fact there is normal variability.3,5,9
Performing biologic controls is a time-consuming process, and the question of how often this testing should be performed still lacks an evidence base but may depend on how frequently tests are performed in the lab. Generally, it is recommended that biocontrol testing be performed 1–2 times per month.3 The optimum, or sufficient, number of workloads tested during biocontrol testing is also not known. However, we provide a practical and feasible approach to performing CPET biocontrol testing in the clinical pulmonary or exercise laboratory. Because the number of scores available for computing the sample mean and SD will be small in the early stages of testing, these values are prone to sampling error; consequently, z-scores from very small samples may be unreliable estimates of machine function. However, as more data from a control subject are added, error is minimized and confidence in the z-scores to accurately represent machine status increases.
As mentioned, we found that the first 8 tests scores were relatively stable for each subject (ie, there was no profound visible variability in CPET z-scores). Therefore, we suggest that once stability has been achieved in 8 tests the mean and SD for those tests can be used to calculate z-scores moving forward. If there is extreme variability in the first 8 tests, testing should be halted, the machine and/or individual evaluated, and new testing started once the source of variability has been identified and removed. A spreadsheet for entering test scores and computing z-scores has been created and can be found in the online supplemental material (see related supplementary material at http://www.rcjournal.com). Data can be entered into the spreadsheet with a z-score for V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E then automatically reported. As biocontrol testing is performed past 8 tests, the mean and SD are updated. After a year, we suggest using the prior 12 months of data to calculate the mean and SD going forward.
Our study does have limitations. (1) All data were collected in a single-center utilizing a single instrument. It is possible that variability differs among instruments. However, there are multiple studies describing similar variability during repeated incremental ramp tests on different instruments.14,15 We studied only 4 subjects, and they performed a variable number of tests ranging from 16–39. However, our subjects showed similar variability, and we found that the SD remained stable after the initial 8 tests. Diet and exercise for each subject was not strictly monitored, though consistency was endorsed. Additionally, the CoV for parameters reported is very similar to prior published data as noted.3,14 (2) It is important to note that we did not evaluate the accuracy of V̇O2 (or V̇CO2) but rather the precision of measurements while utilizing manufacturer recommended quality assurance measures. (3) We averaged the last 2 min of data recorded at each work rate. This may not actually be the segment best representative of V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E due to transient changes that can occur, and it may be preferable to pick the most representative data segment after 3 min have passed. We opted for this approach to facilitate a practical method to implement in busy clinical labs. (4) Finally, whereas it has been suggested biocontrol testing be performed at levels below an individual’s anaerobic threshold, this may not provide complete information on an instrument as data may be more variable at higher V̇E (ie, above anaerobic threshold). However, the CoV for V̇E reported in our study is similar to the CoV in peak V̇E performed during an incremental ramp protocol testing in healthy subjects.14
We report long-term variability of steady-state V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E obtained during biocontrol testing. Utilizing a threshold of 1.96 z-scores allows one to readily determine if a biocontrol result is abnormal and may warrant instrument investigation. Performing biocontrol testing can be time consuming for an active clinical pulmonary or exercise laboratory. To alleviate the burden of testing, we provide a practical, data-driven approach that can be added to a laboratory quality control program.
- Correspondence: Thomas W DeCato MD, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, 1000 W. Carson Street, CDCRC Box 402, Torrance, CA 90509. Email: tdecato{at}ucla.edu
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
Drs DeCato and Hegewald presented a version of this paper at the ATS International Conference 2019, held in Dallas, Texas, May 17–22, 2019.
Supplementary material related to this paper is available at http://www.rcjournal.com.
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