Presenting research at scientific meetings is an important part of the dissemination of research findings. Abstracts are an abbreviated form of a research study presented at a meeting of a professional society. Common elements include background, methods, results, and conclusions. Each section should be carefully written to maximize the chances of acceptance. This paper will cover how to write an abstract for a presentation at a scientific meeting and common mistakes that authors make when writing abstracts.
- research
- respiratory care
- abstract
- national meeting
- research methodology
- Correspondence: Andrew Miller MSc RRT RRT-ACCS RRT-NPS FAARC, 2301 Erwin Rd, Durham, NC 27710. E-mail: Andrew.g.miller{at}duke.edu
Mr Miller presented a version of this paper at AARC Congress 2022 held November 9–12, 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Mr Miller is Section Editor for Respiratory Care, received honorarium from Saxe Communications, S2N Health, and Fisher & Paykel.
- Copyright © 2023 by Daedalus Enterprises
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