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COPD is a heterogeneous condition, the onset and trajectory of which is influenced not only by tobacco exposure but also an individual’s genetics and the exposures they accumulate over their life course. In such a complex chronic disease, phenotyping individuals based on similar clinical or molecular characteristics can aid in guiding appropriate therapeutic management. Treatable traits, characteristics for which evidence exists for a specific favorable treatment response, are increasingly incorporated into COPD clinical guidelines. But the COPD phenotyping literature is evolving. Innovations in lung imaging and physiologic metrics, as well as omics technologies and biomarker science, are contributing to a better understanding of COPD heterogeneity. This review summarizes the evolution of COPD phenotyping, the current use of phenotyping to direct clinical care, and how innovations in clinical and molecular approaches to unraveling disease heterogeneity are refining our understanding of COPD phenotypes.
- Correspondence: Stephanie Christenson MD MAS. Email: stephanie.christenson{at}
Dr Christenson discloses relationships with AstraZeneca, Sanofi/Regeneron, and GlaxoSmithKline.
Dr Christenson presented this paper at the 59th Respiratory Care Journal Conference, COPD: Current Evidence and Implications for Practice, held June 21–22, 2022, in St Petersburg, Florida.
- Copyright © 2023 by Daedalus Enterprises
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