Background: Game-based learning is considered a best practice in education. Learners are motivated when using games and they have been successfully introduced in many healthcare topics, such as medicine. The aim of this study was to increase along with evaluation of their effect in terms of engagement, learning, classroom dynamics, concentration, motivation and enjoyment on the respiratory therapists (RTs).
Methods: This study was conducted at a teaching hospital in central Taiwan. Subjects included 16 RTs in the period 13th April 2022. Each team was composed of 8 RTs. There were two groups: Full Kahoot! and no music or points. First, the teacher introduced the lecture by presenting the agenda and the current topic. Second, the teacher taught the topic software engineering using Kahoot! The procedure was that first the RTs were asked a question in Kahoot! and got their chance to respond. In the experiment we made variations in the use music and points for the two parallel lectures. A Kahoot! Jumble consisting of the same 10 questions on software engineering was used in all parallels. The RTs were observed during lecture from the perspective of classroom dynamics. Third, the RTs filled in a questionnaire electronically using Kahoot!.
Results: In the analysis we looked at differences in RTs’ motivation, enjoyment, engagement, and concentration in regards to the used jumble method. This section also reports on differences in the learning outcome. Table 1 showed the descriptive statistics and the results from the Kruskal-Wallis test for statements related to concentration, engagement, enjoyment, perceived learning, and motivation. Among the Concentration (statement 2, P = .001), Engagement (statement 4, P = .002), Enjoyment (statement 5, P = .03), and Motivation (statement 9, P = .009) were statistically significant.
Conclusions: The majority of these papers show that game-based learning has a positive effect compared to more traditional learning methods. However, Kahoot! can encourage RTs in engagement, learning, increased to classroom dynamics, concentration, motivation and enjoyment.
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