Background: A formal Respiratory Therapy Transition to Practice program was implemented at a pediatric hospital to assist with onboarding new clinical staff. The program content included 4 classroom instructions that reviewed respiratory equipment, therapy protocols, and professional expectations and opportunities. All new RTs and Respiratory Care Technicians go through the program and attend select program classes based on their primary work area and clinical experience/background. We evaluated staff feedback on the program to determine if staff felt the content improved their confidence and assisted with their transition to a practicing respiratory care provider.
Methods: Three program classes were evaluated: Airway Clearance, Introduction to Ventilators, and ICU Ventilators and Modalities. Airway Clearance discussed basic RT care and therapies. This class is required for all RTs and Techs. Introduction to Ventilators reviewed respiratory support equipment used throughout the hospital and is required of all RTs. ICU Ventilators and Modalities covers equipment and modalities only provided in the ICU and is required of all ICU staff. After each class, staff were asked to complete a de-identified evaluation and score on a 5-point Likert scale if they were confident what they had learned would assist with orientation and their transition to practice. Staff individually scored each topic taught in the class. Completed surveys from June 2022 through May 2023 were included in the results.
Results: Airway Clearance class had 30 participants complete a survey evaluating 12 class topics and topics had an average score range of 4.6 to 4.8. Introduction to Ventilators had 17 participants complete a survey evaluating 9 class topics and topics had an average score range of 4.8 to 4.9. ICU Ventilators and Modalities had 17 participants complete a survey evaluating 6 class topics and topics had an average score range of 3.9 to 4.8.
Conclusions: A Transition to Practice program can assist new hires during orientation. Classes were viewed positively, and staff were confident the topics reviewed would assist their orientation. Lower scoring topics require further analysis and modification of instruction to improve scores. Ongoing analysis of staff pre- and post-orientation confidence survey results and orientation feedback can be used to make ongoing quality improvements to the program.
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