In 1998, the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) established the AARC Fellowship Program. This program recognizes the contributions of AARC members who have made substantial and sustained contributions to the art, science, and practice of respiratory care. These individuals have made a tremendous impact and are moving the respiratory care profession forward. For many members of the respiratory therapy profession, being honored as a Fellow is considered the pinnacle achievement for their careers. The vast majority of Fellows are respiratory therapists (RTs), with a smaller group of physicians included in this prestigious group.
There is a rigorous process to select individuals for the Fellow of the American Association for Respiratory Care (FAARC) distinction. Currently, an individual must be nominated by 2 members of the AARC, and one of the nominators must hold the FAARC. Service to the AARC and/or chartered affiliates, leadership in respiratory care, scholarship in respiratory care, and advancement of the profession are all areas evaluated as part of the selection process. Nominations are reviewed by a selection committee (all of whom possess the FAARC) independently. A unanimous agreement between committee members must occur for an individual to be recognized. Once …
Correspondence: Carl Hinkson MSc RRT RRT-NPS RRT-ACCS FAARC. E-mail: Carl.hinkson{at}
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