Background: This study explores the perspectives of supervisors and physicians in the respiratory therapy department in Taiwan on the timing of acquiring evidence-based medicine competencies as outlined by the AARC in 2016: 1. Retrieve credible sources of evidence, 2. Critique published research, 3. Explain general statistical tests, and 4. Apply evidence-based medicine to clinical practice.
Methods: Researchers translated the AARC competencies into Mandarin Chinese and administered the questionnaire to respiratory therapist (RT) supervisors and medical directors in Taiwan starting in April 2022. The chi-square test compared differences between RTs’ and physicians’ opinions on when these competencies should be gained, using SAS 9.4 as the primary analysis tool. The study underwent IRB review (CMUH111-REC3-013(FR)) and received grant support from China Medical University Hospital (CMUH-EDU10901).
Results: 41 experts participated, including 29 RTs and 12 medical consultants or physicians. 43.9% of RT directors supported having the competence to retrieve credible sources of evidence (Q1) before entering professional practice. However, they believed the ability to critically evaluate published research (Q2), explain statistical tests (Q3), and apply evidence-based medicine to clinical practice (Q4) were acquired after entering practice. Medical directors supported having all 4 competencies before entering practice. There were significant differences between RT directors and medical directors regarding explaining statistical tests (Q3) (P = .043) and applying evidence-based medicine to clinical practice (Q4) (P = .045) (see Table 1).
Conclusions: RT directors supported having the competence to retrieve credible sources of evidence (Q1) before entering professional practice but believed the other competencies are acquired afterward. Medical directors supported having all 4 competencies before entering professional practice.
Commercial Relationships: None
Support: China Medical University Hospital (number CMUH-EDU10901)
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