Background: Video-assisted debriefing following high-fidelity simulation has been proven to increase clinical competencies across post-secondary programs. Properly establishing accurate self-reflection is key to developing clinical judgments amongst students, and thereby improving future patient care. When reviewing existing literature, there lies a gap in research aimed towards respiratory therapy education programs. The purpose of this research was to determine the impact video-assisted debriefing, along with peer feedback, has on general confidence and preparedness in clinal environments for Respiratory therapy students following high fidelity simulation (HFS).
Methods: The study received IRB approval and was a descriptive and pre-post design. First-year undergraduate respiratory therapy students participated in check-offs that were video recorded and they were asked to self-reflect on their performance and communication prior to HFS. Students were also given a survey before and after completion of the pre-clinical HFS. These surveys asked participants to reflect on their preparedness and confidence prior to HFS and entering the clinical environment. This study looked at this previously established assignment data to determine if self-reflection had an impact on students prior to clinical.
Results: Overall, results showed that student perception of communication skills due to video-assisted self-reflection improved both prior to HFS and following the HFS, prior to entering the clinical environment. 84.6% of participants felt that self-reflection improved their confidence in communication. 93.3% felt self-reflection improved their ability to educate patients, 76.9% felt self-reflection improved their confidence to perform therapies and 84.6% and 76.9% felt that self-reflection improved feelings of preparedness prior to HFS and entering the clinical environment respectively. Although no tests were run to show significance, the results clearly show a positive correlation between self-reflection and video feedback as it relates to overall success, confidence, and preparedness.
Conclusions: The implementation of self-reflection and video feedback should be included in other respiratory therapy curriculums, based on its resounding positive impacts on student perception of communication skills, assessment of interpersonal communication skills, confidence in skill performance, confidence in communication skills, along with feelings of overall preparedness.
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