Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a multidisciplinary program designed to enhance the health status of individuals with respiratory diseases, and conditions. This study aims to assess knowledge, attitudes, practices, and barriers among healthcare practitioners in Saudi Arabia regarding PR.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Saudi Arabia, and 556 responses were collected. This study used knowledge, attitude, practice, (KAP), and barriers to implementing PR questionnaire. All data are represented as numbers and percentages.
Results: 30% of participants had a good knowledge of PR, while 25.6% had poor content of knowledge of PR. 60% of respondents showed good skills in terms of practice. 45.7% of respondents have positive attitudes towards PR. 89.3% of the participants reported the absence of awareness and education as the major barrier to conducting PR.
Conclusions: Good levels of knowledge, practice, and attitude toward PR and poor content of knowledge among Saudi Arabian healthcare practitioners, suggested a high potential need for PR referrals, and improved general health outcome. However, the study also highlights challenges such as lack of awareness about PR and limited availability of PR centers and specialists, leading to underutilization of PR services.
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