PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Younis, Walid G AU - Dernaika, Tarek A AU - Jones, Kellie R AU - Kinasewitz, Gary T AU - Keddissi, Jean I TI - Rounded Atelectasis With Atypical Computed Tomography Findings DP - 2006 Jul 01 TA - Respiratory Care PG - 761--763 VI - 51 IP - 7 4099 - 4100 - AB - Rounded atelectasis is atelectasis of the peripheral part of the lung, typically in contact with thickened pleura, featuring characteristic computed tomography findings. In this case, a 61-year-old man with history of asbestos exposure presented with a right-middle-lobe nodule on chest radiograph, with computed tomography findings suspicious for neoplasm. The patient underwent surgical resection, which revealed rounded atelectasis. Our case raises a question about the sensitivity of radiographic criteria used in identifying rounded atelectasis, and it emphasizes the need to keep rounded atelectasis in the differential diagnosis of a single pulmonary nodule in a patient with a history of asbestos exposure.