PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Liu, LiHua AU - Wahidi, Momen AU - Mahmood, Kamran AU - Giovacchini, Coral AU - Shofer, Scott AU - Cheng, George TI - Operator Perception of a Single-Use Flexible Bronchoscope: Comparison With Current Standard Bronchoscopes AID - 10.4187/respcare.07574 DP - 2020 Nov 01 TA - Respiratory Care PG - 1655--1662 VI - 65 IP - 11 4099 - 4100 - AB - BACKGROUND: Single-use flexible bronchoscopes have gained popularity in recent years for various advantages over the traditional reusable bronchoscope. There are several commercially available disposable bronchoscopes; however, all have limitations compared to reusable bronchoscopes. The Vathin H-SteriScope is a single-use flexible bronchoscope that may have overcome some of these limitations.METHODS: We designed a survey to evaluate the performance of this new single-use bronchoscope on a bronchoscopy model with operators who are familiar with current single-use and reusable bronchoscopes. The operators were asked to rank overall assessment, scope quality, handling, maneuverability, tool interaction, and image quality of the H-SteriScope on a scale of 0–100. These operators were then asked to rank their current single-use and reusable bronchoscopes with the same scale. The results were evaluated to determine the operator perception of the H-SteriScope.RESULTS: The H-SteriScope and current reusable bronchoscopes were perceived to have significant differences compared with currently available single-use bronchoscopes in overall assessment of the scope, scope quality, handling, maneuverability, tool interaction, and image quality (P < .001). The H-SteriScope was perceived to have similar maneuverability as the reusable bronchoscope (P = .86). There were no differences among the H-SteriScope (P = .88), the current single-use bronchoscope (P = .84), and the current reusable bronchoscope (P = .89) between the training and nontraining interventional pulmonology subgroups.CONCLUSIONS: In terms of operator perception, the H-SteriScope appears to have similar maneuverability as the reusable bronchoscope. Both the H-SteriScope and the reusable bronchoscopes performed better in all measured sectors than the current single-use bronchoscope. Additional studies are required to evaluate the practicality, safety, and cost efficiency of the H-SteriScope in clinical practice.