PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Droege, Christopher A AU - Ernst, Neil E AU - Foertsch, Madeline J AU - Bradshaw, Paige G AU - Globke, Andrew E AU - Gomaa, Dina AU - Tsuei, Betty J AU - Mueller, Eric W TI - Assessment of Detectable Serum Tobramycin Concentrations in Patients Receiving Inhaled Tobramycin for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia AID - 10.4187/respcare.09412 DP - 2021 Nov 23 TA - Respiratory Care PG - respcare.09412 4099 - 4100 - AB - BACKGROUND: Inhaled tobramycin can be used for empiric or definitive therapy of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in mechanically ventilated patients. This is believed to minimize systemic exposure and potential adverse drug toxicities including acute kidney injury (AKI). However, detectable serum tobramycin concentrations have been reported after inhaled tobramycin therapy with AKI.METHODS: This retrospective, observational study evaluated mechanically ventilated adult subjects admitted to ICUs at a large, urban academic medical center that received empiric inhaled tobramycin for VAP. Subjects were separated into detectable (ie, ≥ 0.6 mg/L) or undetectable serum tobramycin concentration groups, and characteristics were compared. Independent predictors for detectable serum tobramycin concentration and new onset AKI during or within 48 h of therapy discontinuation were assessed.RESULTS: Fifty-nine inhaled tobramycin courses in 53 subjects were included in the analysis, of which 39 (66.1%) courses administered to 35 (66.0%) subjects had detectable serum tobramycin concentrations. Subjects with detectable serum tobramycin concentrations were older (57.1 y ± 11.4 vs 45.9 ±15.0, P = .004), had higher PEEP (9.2 cm H2O [7.0–11.0] vs 8.0 [5.6–8.9], P = .049), chronic kidney disease stage ≥ 2 (10 [29.4%] vs 0 [0%], P = .009), and higher serum creatinine before inhaled tobramycin therapy (1.26 mg/dL [0.84–2.18] vs 0.76 [0.47–1.28], P = .004). Age (odds ratio 1.09 [95% CI 1.02–1.16], P = .009) and PEEP (odds ratio 1.47 [95% CI 1.08–2.0], P =.01) were independent predictors for detectable serum tobramycin concentration. Thirty-seven subjects had no previous renal disease or injury, of which 9 (24.3%) developed an AKI. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score (odds ratio 1.72 [95% CI 1.07–2.76], P = .03) was the only independent predictor for AKI.CONCLUSIONS: Detectable serum tobramycin concentrations were frequently observed in critically ill, mechanically ventilated subjects receiving empiric inhaled tobramycin for VAP. Subject age and PEEP were independent predictors for detectable serum tobramycin concentration. Serum monitoring and empiric dose reductions should be considered in older patients and those requiring higher PEEP.