PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - P Davis, Samantha AU - F Stover, Camille AU - Willhaus, Janet K TI - Simulation Use in Entry-Into-Practice Respiratory Care Programs AID - 10.4187/respcare.08673 DP - 2022 Feb 15 TA - Respiratory Care PG - respcare.08673 4099 - 4100 - AB - BACKGROUND: Teaching and learning using simulation-based methods is increasing in health professions education; however, the prevalence of simulation use in respiratory care programs to date has not been explored.METHODS: All 412 Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)-accredited entry-into-practice respiratory care programs were e-mailed a survey inquiring about simulation use as an educational tool in their programs.RESULTS: Of the initial 412 programs contacted, 124 returned the survey, for a 30% response rate. More than three-quarters of programs reported using simulation including 87% of associate degree programs, 75% of bachelor’s degree programs, and 100% of master’s degree programs. Simulation modalities differed by course and program as did length of simulation activities and debriefings. Simulation hours may not be substituted for learner’s clinical time under CoARC guidelines, and 69% of respondents agreed with this stance; however, 66% of responding programs have mandatory simulation learning activities, and 68% believe the amount of simulation should be increased. The survey also revealed respiratory care faculty have limited training in the use of simulation.CONCLUSIONS: Simulation-based teaching and learning is widespread and varied, but there is a lack of faculty development in its use among respiratory care programs.