PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sreedharan, Jithin Kalathikudiyil AU - Alahmari, Mohammed AU - Alqahtani, Abdullah AU - Alotaibi, Hajed M AU - Rao, Udaya Kumar AU - Chacko, Sibiya P AU - Meethal, Shareef Naranath AU - Paul, Jerry TI - A Cross-Sectional Study of Job Satisfaction and Related Attributes Among Respiratory Therapists in India DP - 2023 Oct 01 TA - Respiratory Care PG - 3938953 VI - 68 IP - Suppl 10 4099 - 4100 - AB - Background: Respiratory therapists (RTs) are specialized healthcare professionals who play a critical role in managing patients with respiratory diseases. The prevalence of respiratory illnesses is significant in India, and there is a rising need for proficient RTs. However, there is a shortage of qualified RTs in the country, and retaining qualified RTs is a significant challenge for healthcare organizations. This cross-sectional study aims to address the gap in the literature by assessing the perceptions and attitudes of RTs toward career progression and job satisfaction in India. Methods: A convenience sampling technique was used to perform this study among RTs all over India. Prior to participating in the survey, informed consent was obtained, and the host institution granted institutional ethical clearance. Data were gathered using a self-administered questionnaire with a 0.94 Cronbach alpha score. The data were summarized using descriptive statistics including frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviations. To evaluate the association between variables, inferential statistics including chi-square tests, t-tests, and regression analysis will be employed. The Declaration of Helsinki's ethical guidelines were followed when conducting the study. Results: The survey had been completed by 388 RTs in total, and the results were analyzed. The majority of them were from Karnataka (27%; n = 106), Kerala (19%; n = 72), and Tamilnadu (16%; n = 64). 79% (n = 307/388) of the respondents had a bachelor's degree in RT, and 93% (n = 361/388) of the respondents were employed full-time. RTs with less experience and lower incomes were both 5.77 and 4.55 times more dissatisfied with their profession and type of job, respectively. Half of the respondents (52%) disagree that they were frustrated with their profession, while only 40% of the participants agreed that RTs were paid a fair amount for their work. However, 78% of the participants were happy with their work profile as an RT. Conclusions: In conclusion, this cross-sectional study sheds light on the perceptions and attitudes of respiratory therapists (RTs) in India toward career advancement and job satisfaction. The study revealed that there is a high level of job satisfaction among RTs in India, with a majority of participants reporting satisfaction with their work profile. The findings of this study may be useful to healthcare organizations and policymakers in developing strategies to attract and retain qualified RTs in India. View this table:Factors associated with Respiratory Therapists satisfaction