PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Aldhaefi, Nour Sulaiman TI - Asthma Control Among Adults in Saudi Arabia: A Systematic Review DP - 2024 Oct 01 TA - Respiratory Care PG - 4138173 VI - 69 IP - Suppl 10 4099 - 4100 - AB - Background: Asthma, characterized by chronic lower airway inflammation, is a prevalent condition affecting individuals worldwide. However, there is a lack of research specifically addressing the level of asthma control among adults in Saudi Arabia. This study aims to assess the level of asthma control among adults in Saudi Arabia and determine the prevalence of controlled asthma within the Saudi adult population. Methods: A systematic review study was conducted using a search engine that included PubMed. All English-language, empirical quantitative papers that explored the prevalence of asthma control among Saudi adults were included. The quality of the identified studies was evaluated using the NIH Study Quality Assessment Tools. The focus of this systematic review study was to examine the prevalence of asthma control among adults in Saudi Arabia. The study is registered with PROSPERO (#CRD42024484711). Results: Ninety-four studies were initially identified as eligible, but upon assessment, only 24 studies met our inclusion criteria. Among these 24 studies, 23 were cross-sectional studies, while only one was a randomized controlled trial. The quality of the studies was evaluated using assessment instruments, with 14 studies rated as fair, 8 as good, and 2 as poor. The systematic review revealed a wide range of asthma control levels in Saudi Arabia, ranging from well-controlled to mild control. Conclusions: The systematic review of asthma control in Saudi Arabia reveals significant variability, ranging from well-controlled to mild control. This variation highlights the need for tailored public health interventions and improved healthcare policies to ensure consistent and effective asthma management. Enhanced awareness, education, and access to appropriate medical resources are essential to improve asthma outcomes and quality of life in Saudi Arabia.