PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Ritcher, Victoria AU - Rueda, Rain AU - Nieto, Katrisha AU - Perkins, Kayla AU - Mayberry, Kayla AU - Rafati, Diab AU - Orji, Henry AU - Stokes, Thomas AU - Restrepo, Ruben D TI - Use of Alternative Medicine for COVID-19: Has Anything Changed Post Pandemic? DP - 2024 Oct 01 TA - Respiratory Care PG - 4136140 VI - 69 IP - Suppl 10 4099 - 4100 - AB - Background: Previous studies have shown that alternative medicine products (AMP) were used during the pandemic; however, they are not considered standard of care. In 2022, we reported the results of an international survey showing that nearly 100% of participants used AMP during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the number of COVID cases has dramatically decreased, AMPs are often considered for the prevention and management of health challenges, including infections. This follow-up study was designed to determine if, 2 years after the last survey, use and perception of benefit of AMP has changed. Methods: For this cross-sectional study, a 25-question survey was created using Google Forms. It was distributed via social media from February to April 2024 to subjects at least 18 years of age across the U.S. The instrument explored participants demographics, general health condition, which alternative medicine products (AMP) were used and why, and COVID-19 infection and immunization history. Excel (Microsoft) was used to tabulate data and report descriptive statistics. IRB approval was obtained. Results: A total of 76 responses were obtained. Mean age was 34.7 y old (± 13.3) and 82.3% were female. Most participants were Hispanic (56.6%, n = 43). Most participants held a university degree (55%, n = 42; BS 34.2% and 18.4% MS). Of participants who had health insurance (93.4%), 38% (n = 27) reported always or often using AMP to boost their immune system. Of the healthcare providers (47%), 33% are not using AMP. More than 80% (n = 62) received at least 2 or more dose of the vaccine. Twenty-seven participants use AMP (35.5%) either always or often, and during the pandemic 77.6% (n = 59) to either prevent COVID-19 or lessen symptoms. The most common AMP used were Vitamin D (46.1%), Vitamin C (27.6%), Zinc (26.3%), and antioxidants (10.5%). Over 90% reported that AMP let them achieve their desired results. Majority of the participants (88.2%) believed that AMP should be considered in addition to prescribed medications to improve outcomes of patients with COVID-19. Conclusions: The results of this the survey indicate that AMP are often used by fully vaccinated individuals, those with health insurance and healthcare providers. Despite the lack of scientific data supporting the use of AMP, there was strong belief that they are important in preventing and/or lessening symptoms associated with disease, and they should be considered in addition to prescribed medications.