RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 6-Year Synopsis on Improving Staff Morale in a Respiratory Care Department JF Respiratory Care FD American Association for Respiratory Care SP 4138247 VO 69 IS Suppl 10 A1 Arnsperger, Anita A1 Saunders, Angela A1 Cook, Tammy A1 Jaeger, Michael YR 2024 UL http://rc.rcjournal.com/content/69/Suppl_10/4138247.abstract AB Background: Surveys were sent quarterly over a 6-year time span. 2023 was the 6th and final year. The goal was to implement interventions that have a long-term positive result. We experienced exponential growth within the RC department. Recruiting and onboarding has drastically improved. 2023 was our final year due to redirecting aligning staff morale efforts with the hospital and senior leadership. Methods: The interventions with the most impact have been the sunflower award, code lavender bags, staff outings, buckeye recognition, leadership presence and transparency. The hospital has focused on boosting efforts to improve the mental health of employees. Another positive change was our educational support. The hospital began using the GUILD platform which offers college courses along with certificates, such as project management. This program is easy to follow and sign up for classes. Our onboarding processes have changed over the last 5 years. Onboarding has focused on increasing the confidence of new RTs and making them feel supported. Our shared governance has been restructured to include newer employees, making them feel part of the team. Results: Participation increased by 103% since 2019. This alone shows that staff realized their voice matters. Low staff morale decreased by 12%, medium and high showed 14% increase over the last 6 years. The surveys showed that money is no longer the most important factor in morale. The RTs shifted to self-worth and mental health satisfaction as the driving factor to their happiness. Scheduling in our department changed from self-scheduling to a division matrix. This has been a source of mixed feelings. Senior staff recognition has improved. The leadership team has increased their efforts being more present to give face to face praise. Conclusions: Over the last 6 years we have seen pay, self-worth, increasing manager presence, transparency and mental health have been the top factors to improving staff morale. Every year senior staff, buckeyes, are given a pin for their years of service at breakfast. Buckeyes enjoy displaying their years of service as patients and families applaud them. Buckeyes requested recognition and this has improved their morale. Silos between units are beginning to no longer exist. Our float pool staff has increased and work on all units frequently. This allows them to talk about the other units in a positive manner, easing tension. The onboarding process has changed to develop an increase confidence level in new employees setting them up for success.