Index by author
September 01, 2012; Volume 57,Issue 9
Yamane, Hiromichi
- You have accessSpontaneous Expectoration of Tumor Tissue in a Patient With Adenocarcinoma of the LungNobuaki Ochi, Masayuki Yasugi, Hiromichi Yamane, Takayuki Tabayashi, Norikuni Kawanaka, Niro Okimoto, Yasumasa Monobe and Nagio TakigawaRespiratory Care September 2012, 57 (9) 1521-1523; DOI:
Yasugi, Masayuki
- You have accessSpontaneous Expectoration of Tumor Tissue in a Patient With Adenocarcinoma of the LungNobuaki Ochi, Masayuki Yasugi, Hiromichi Yamane, Takayuki Tabayashi, Norikuni Kawanaka, Niro Okimoto, Yasumasa Monobe and Nagio TakigawaRespiratory Care September 2012, 57 (9) 1521-1523; DOI: