Background: For years there has been a belief that the Percussionaire Turbohub delivers rebreathed CO2 to patients. Primary Children’s Hospital uses the VDR with Turbohub in our NICU and PICU, so we wondered just how much CO2 was being rebreathed and if there was a way to eliminate it. Methods: The Percussionaire VDR with Turbohub was set up with an F&P Evaqua 2 infant ventilator circuit and attached to a 0.59 cc/cm H2O compliant ridged test lung. CO2 analyzers from the Drager Evita XL were attached at the test lung to read exhaled CO2, and at the inspiratory side of the Turbohub to measure the amount of CO2 being rebreathed. CO2 was injected into the test lung via blended air/CO2 mixture at 0.3 L/min to achieve an ETCO2 of approximately 35 torr. O2 tubing for external flow was attached to the inspiratory relief valve on the Turbohub and to a flow meter. External flows up to 6 L/min were used during testing. The VDR was set at a working pressure of 40 psi, 1 second convective rate I time and high frequency I:E ratio at 1:1. Various peak pressures, peeps as well as some different convective rates and percussive rates were used to see how much CO2 was rebreathed at each setting and if it changed using different settings. CO2 measurements were obtained after settings had 5 minutes to stabilize. External flow ranging from 1 to 6 L/min was added at each setting after initial measurements were taken, and CO2 was measured again. Results: Thru all ranges of settings rebreathed CO2 was 3 to 6t orr without added external flow. Upon adding external flow to the Turbohub the CO2 gradually decreased until it reached 0 at 6 L/min of flow in all test settings. Conclusions: According to the data collected, it appears that patients do in fact rebreathe CO2 on the VDR with Turbohub. Adding 6 L/min of flow to the inspiratory side of the Turbohub would likely be beneficial to eliminating CO2. We also found that adding the additional flow required us to decrease the pulsatile flow and oscillatory CPAP/PEEP to maintain the PIP and PEEP test setting. Further testing may be indicated to change clinical practice.
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