Background: Students entering different Health and Human Service majors (HHSM) have been on a steady decline. This issue can be related to whether or not high school students are being given up to date information regarding HHSM. If counselors do not have a full understanding of all HHSM, high school students may not have the ability to make career/major choices in these areas. In this study, we will attempt to explore the perceptions and needs of high school guidance counselors related to HHSM. The hypothesis of this study is that fifty percent of high school guidance counselors lack knowledge and feel uncomfortable providing students with information about HHSM. Methods: The Institutional Review Board of Youngstown State University (YSU) approved this study. A survey instrument was developed to evaluate high school guidance counselor's perceptions and needs regarding HHSM. The survey was sent to the regions surrounding YSU. Results: Of the 88 local high school guidance counselors that were emailed the survey, 29 responded (32.9%). When asked if they felt as if they see a need to improve their resources and understanding of HHSM, 22 of the 29 (75.9%) said yes. Of the HHSM that are offered at YSU, the top 3 that counselors felt most knowledgeable about, (strong and very strong ratings), were nursing, 25 (86.21%), physical therapy, 24 (82.76%), and social work, 23 (79.31%). The counselors were also asked to rate their level of comfort in discussing each HHSM that are offered at YSU. The top 3 majors that counselors felt more, and very comfortable discussing, were nursing, 21 (72.41%), social work, 20 (68.97%), and physical therapy, 20 (68.97%). When asked what methods they prefer in gaining information to the HHSM, web based format and written handouts were the preferred methods. They were then asked what methods in educating their students about HHSM would best suit their needs, campus program visit and web based format were the preferred methods. Conclusions: The hypothesis for this study is rejected. However the results of the survey showed that 75.9% of the high school guidance counselors felt as though they needed to improve their resources and understandings of HHSM. A limitation to this study is the sample size and that it only pertains to the regions surrounding YSU. Further research could investigate high school guidance counselors nationally.
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