Dear Editor,
We have read with interest the letter to the editor regarding our manuscript. We appreciate the additional considerations of the authors and would like to respond to the points raised in this comment.
First, there is some confusion about the data source of this manuscript. The authors assume that our manuscript is a secondary analysis of a previously published article on the role of preoperative inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) after esophagectomy. However, as stated in the methods, the data of the current manuscript are part of the larger PReoperative intervention to Improve Outcomes in esophageal cancer patients after Resection (PRIOR) study in which we evaluate the implementation of …
Correspondence: E.A.E. Reijneveld MSc, HU University of Applied Sciences, Heidelberglaan 7, 3584, CS, Utrecht, the Netherlands E-mail: elja.reijneveld{at}
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