An electronic literature search for articles published between January 1990 and September 2011 was conducted by using the PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS, and Cochrane Library databases. The update of this clinical practice guideline is the result of reviewing a total of 124 articles: 3 randomized controlled trials, 103 prospective trials, 1 retrospective study, 3 case studies, 11 review articles, 2 surveys and 1 consensus paper on transcutaneous monitoring (TCM) for PtcO2 and PtcCO2. The following recommendations are made following the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) criteria: (1) Although PtcCO2 has a good correlation with PaCO2 and is a reliable method to evaluate plasma CO2 levels, it is recommended that arterial blood gas values be compared to transcutaneous readings taken at the time of arterial sampling, in order to verify the transcutaneous values, and periodically as dictated by the patient's clinical condition. (2) It is suggested that PtcCO2 may be used in clinical settings where monitoring the adequacy of ventilation is indicated. (3) It is suggested that PtcO2 and PtcCO2 may be used in determining the adequacy of tissue perfusion and monitoring of reperfusion. (4) It is suggested that TCM should be avoided in the presence of increased thickness or edema of the skin and/or subcutaneous tissue where the sensor is applied. (5) It is recommended that sites used for a TCM be changed as often as necessary and that they be alternated and observed to avoid thermal injury. Manufacturer recommendations should be followed.
- clinical practice guidelines
- hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- reperfusion
- transcutaneous monitoring
- transcutaneous carbon dioxide
- transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring
- transcutaneous oxygen
- transcutaneous oxygen monitoring
Since pulse oximetry is considered the standard of care for noninvasive monitoring of oxygen levels, routine transcutaneous monitoring (TCM) of oxygen pressure (PtcO2) has fallen out of favor. While some studies in infants1–3 have shown that TCM of PO2 may be more reliable than monitoring oxygenation via SpO2, most of the studies are focused on TCM of carbon dioxide pressure (PtcCO2), which is considered an accurate and clinically acceptable estimate of the PaCO2.4–13
A transcutaneous (TC) monitor measures the skin-surface PO2 and PCO2 to provide an estimate of the PaO2 and PaCO2. The measurements obtained include PtcO2 and PtcCO2. The TC monitor device induces hyperperfusion of the capillaries by increasing the local temperature of the skin at the sensor site. The externally applied heat alters the solubility of CO2 in the blood and increases the metabolic rate of the skin by approximately 4–5% for every degree Celsius, resulting in local production of CO2.14 The sensor, usually a Severinghaus electrode, will calculate the PCO2 electrochemically, usually by a change in pH of an electrolyte solution. Additionally, a temperature correction is used to address the epithelial CO2 produced by heating the skin.1,15–20 A Clark electrode, which is composed of a platinum cathode and silver anode, measures the PO2.21
Each manufacturer's calibration protocol for the TC monitor sensor should be followed. After the sensor is calibrated, the skin must be cleaned of all oils, soaps, and dead skin. Once the site is cleaned, then a sensor fixation ring should be placed in a highly vascularized area. The preferred location to obtain TC measurements in neonates and small pediatric patients is the upper chest. Alternative sites may be the lateral side of the abdomen, chest, buttock, inside of the upper thigh, forearm, the zygomatic bone, the ear lobe, cheeks, or the forehead.22–26 In order to achieve accurate PtcO2 the skin probe temperature must be 44°C, which may lead to injury or burning of the skin, particularly in patients with thin or damaged skin.27 By contrast, monitoring of the PtcCO2 is reliable with skin temperature even as low as 37°C.1,28 Most TC monitors allow the reduction of the probe temperature to minimize the risk of thermal injury.29 Correlation with arterial blood gases is recommended to ensure accuracy of the values obtained by TC monitor.29 When monitoring PtcCO2 only, use of lower skin probe temperatures increases the systematic overriding of TC measurement and may allow for longer periods of contact time between the skin and the sensor, for up to 8–12 hours. This option may be especially important for neonatal population compliance with the minimal handling approach promoted in their care. However, changing sites as often as every 2 hours may be necessary in small premature neonates to avoid thermal injury.
After the fixation device is in place, 1–2 drops of either contact gel or normal saline should be placed inside the ring. This improves the accuracy of the sensor and makes the diffusion of gases more efficient. The sensor is then placed into the ring and usually snaps into place. The ring must create enough of a seal to prevent leaks or formation of air bubbles, as ambient air reaching the sensor affects measured values.
TCM may be performed by trained personnel in a variety of settings that include, but are not limited to hospitals, extended care facilities, and patient transport.20,22,30 It is utilized in the following specific clinical settings to determine the presence of hypoventilation or respiratory depression:
3.1 Mechanical ventilation, including conventional modes of ventilation,31–33 high-frequency ventilation,27,34 steady state high frequency jet ventilation,35 and noninvasive ventilation.34–39
3.2 Bronchoscopies or procedures requiring sedation23,40–45 or patient-controlled analgesia46–48
3.2.1 Prolonged laparoscopic surgery procedures49
3.3.1 PtcO2 may have an increased role in detecting sleep hypoventilation and assessing the efficacy of treatment of sleep disorders.56
3.4 Pulmonary function studies, including stress testing and bronchoprovocation12,39,57–59
3.5 Trending HCO3– in diabetic ketoacidosis60
3.6 Apnea testing61
3.10 Evaluation of hyperventilation during phonation of patients with vocal cord disorders70,71
3.11 Titration of long-term oxygen therapy72
The use of TCM is indicated in patients who either lack arterial access or have the need for continuous monitoring of oxygen and carbon dioxide with minimal blood draws.60 TCM allows the assessment of:
4.1 adequacy of oxygenation and/or ventilation2,9,10,13,22,25,29,30,37,50,73–76
4.2 response to diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, as evidenced by PtcO2 and/or PtcCO2 values2,22,29,30,37,38,64,67,74,77
4.3 TC oxygen index (PtcO2/FIO2), which can be used as an early marker of hypoperfusion and mortality62,63
4.3.1 A ratio less than 200 should prompt evaluation and intervention.61
4.4 tissue perfusion status and revascularization in wound care and peripheral arterial occlusive disease80
4.4.1 PtcO2 is used in wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an effective tool to monitor critical limb ischemia. A PtcO2 on the affected limb should be maintained between 30–40 mm Hg to maintain adequate perfusion. A PtcO2 less than 30 mm Hg may indicate poor perfusion to that limb, and a PtcO2 less than 10 mm Hg is considered incompatible with spontaneous healing process.81,82 PtcO2 is useful in the determination of optimal amputation level. A PtcO2 of 30 mm Hg is considered the critical dividing value that separates successful from unsuccessful amputation stump healing.
4.5 monitoring response to therapy in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, as PtcCO2 correlates with serum HCO3– levels59
There are no documented absolute contraindications for use of TCM. In patients with poor skin integrity and/or adhesive allergy, alternative monitoring devices to TCM should be considered.29
PtcO2 and/or PtcCO2 monitoring is considered a safe procedure. The most common hazards and complications of TCM are:
6.1 Misinterpretation of falsely elevated or decreased levels of O2 and CO2 that may lead to inappropriate treatment of the patient.75,83,84 PtcO2 underestimates PaO2 and PtcCO2 overestimates PaCO2. While some manufacturers have incorporated correction factors into the device software, what TCM really measures is skin PO2 and PCO2, not PaO2 and PaCO2 per se.75,83,84
6.2 Thermal injury may occur at the sensor site (eg, erythema, blisters, burns, skin tears).10,16,22,85–87
PtcO2 is an indirect measurement of PaO2 and does not reflect oxygen delivery or oxygen content. Complete assessment of oxygen delivery requires knowledge of hemoglobin saturation and cardiac output. PtcCO2 is an indirect measurement of PaCO2, but knowledge of delivery and content is not necessary to use PtcCO2 for assessment of ventilation.
Factors that may affect readings, limit precision, or limit the performance or application of a TC monitor include:
7.1 Device Related
7.1.1. Although some newer designs make application quicker and simpler, setup is labor intensive.33
7.1.2 Prolonged stabilization time is required following electrode placement, typically up to 5–10 min, but varies by manufacturer.9,33,38,84,88
7.1.3 While the theoretical basis for mandatory heating of the PtcO2 electrode in newer TC monitors has not been established,17,89,90 manufacturers suggest heating the electrode to produce valid results. Some clinical studies suggest that valid results may be obtained with PtcCO2 electrodes operated at lower than recommended temperatures or with no heat.14,27,91,92
7.1.4 Improper calibration, trapped air bubbles, leaks in the fixation device, and damaged membranes and their detection may result in misinterpretation of the values and erroneous changes in therapy.14,21,30,84 If too much saline or contact gel is applied, a leak may be created between the skin and the fixation device.
7.2 Clinical
The following clinical situations may result in falsely elevated or decreased PtcO2 and PtcCO2 values:
7.2.1 Presence of hyperoxemia (PaO2 > 100 mm Hg) (elevated PtcO2)14,86,89
7.2.2 The presence of a hypoperfused state (shock, acidosis)61,93 and vasoactive drug administration61 may result in decreased PtcO2 and PtcCO2. However, the use of newer TCM devices and placement of the sensor near the carotid artery have improved the correlation between PaO2 and or PaCO2 in this clinical situation.4,25,31,45,55,83,94
7.2.3 Improper electrode placement or application (elevated PtcO2; decreased PtcCO2)84
7.2.4 Increased thickness or edema of the skin and/or subcutaneous tissue (decreased PtcO2 and PtcCO2)24,53,61,84,95
7.2.5 Increased capillary blood flow induced by movement of the patient, either by self or due to routine care, may increase PtcO2 and PtcCO2.22,96,97
7.2.6 Placement of the sensor site on the distal part of an extremity may result in lower readings, due to vasoconstriction limiting blood flow.14,15,24 Some TC monitors allow for the use of the ear area (eg, tragus) as a TC monitoring site. Studies have shown that the ear is an acceptable place for TC monitoring8,25,27,98; however, in some cases the ear is not an acceptable place, as it may interfere with a procedure (eg, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery). The ear sensor is less susceptible to detachment with patient movement and does not have to be removed for chest x-rays or other chest imaging procedures.22,45
7.3 Validation
Arterial blood gas values should be compared to TC readings taken at the time of arterial sampling, in order to validate the TC values. This validation should be performed initially and periodically, as dictated by the patient's clinical condition.10,99–102
7.3.1 During validation studies in patients with physiologic shunts, the electrode site and arterial sampling site should be on the same side of the shunt when measuring PtcO2.50,84,102 However, recent studies show that PtcCO2 is not affected by shunts or ventilation-perfusion mismatching, when compared to PaCO2.9,17,103
7.3.2 When a discrepancy exists between TC, measured arterial values, and the clinical presentation of the patient, possible causes should be explored before results are reported. Monitoring at alternative sites, recalibration, or equipment replacement may reduce discrepancies. If such steps do not remedy the disparity, TCM results should not be acted upon or recorded in the patient's medical record. Instead, a statement describing the TC use and the corrective action should be included in the patient's medical documentation, and some other mode of monitoring should be established (eg, pulse oximetry, end-tidal CO2 [PETCO2] monitoring, arterial blood analysis). The absolute limits that constitute unacceptable discrepancies vary with patient condition and specific device.92,104,105 Clinical judgment must be exercised.
7.3.3 When comparing or correlating values for PCO2, the PtcCO2 value is typically higher than PaCO2. However, the PtcCO2 is a good surrogate of the PaCO2 and sometimes and may provide a better estimate of PaCO2 than PETCO2.10,11,27,31,68,74,106–110 Reading an accurate PCO2 value with a TC monitor requires more time than measuring PETCO2, due to the required period of stabilization of the TCM.102,111 Although the acceptable clinical range of agreement for PtcCO2 is ± 7.5 mm Hg,4 the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed.
8.1 When direct measurement of arterial blood is not available or accessible in a timely fashion, PtcO2 and/or PtcCO2 measurements may temporarily suffice if the limitations of the data are appreciated.11
8.2 TC blood gas monitoring is appropriate for continuous and prolonged monitoring (eg, during mechanical ventilation, CPAP, and supplemental oxygen administration), but has limitations when used on an intermittent basis.10,14,49,75
8.3 PtcO2 values can be used for diagnostic purposes, as in the assessment of functional shunts (eg, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn) or persistent fetal circulation, or to determine the response to oxygen challenge in the assessment of congenital heart disease.39,67,99,100
10.1 Equipment
TC monitor, electrodes, calibration gases, and associated supplies. TC monitor should have been validated by the manufacturer, using appropriate quality control procedures and clinical reliability studies.
In order to help assure consistency of care based on TC blood gas readings, the operator should verify:
10.1.1 High and low limit alarms are set appropriately
10.1.2 Appropriate electrode temperature is set
10.1.3 Electrode placement site is appropriate and systematic electrode site change occurs
10.1.4 Specific manufacturer's recommendations for maintenance, operation, and safety are complied with Some devices incorporate newer technologies to improve monitoring of oxygen and carbon dioxide by: allowing measurement of SpO2, PtcO2, and PtcCO2, together or separately, through a miniaturized carbon dioxide tension PCO2/SpO2 single sensor that monitors both PaCO2 and oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry (SpO2)22,25 stabilizing TC values faster through the addition of a heat function showing the clinician, through a relative heating index, how much power the unit is using to warm the site maximizing measurement in low perfusion states through the incorporation of a compensatory heating probe
10.2 Personnel
Actively licensed and credentialed respiratory therapists or other credentialed healthcare providers with equivalent training and demonstrated ability to exercise the necessary clinical judgment, to assess the patient, and to perform the essential tasks of monitor calibration and application.10
The monitoring schedule of patient and equipment during TCM should be integrated into the patient assessment and vital signs determinations. Results should be documented in the medical record and should detail the conditions under which the readings were obtained. Additional documentation includes:
11.1 The date and time of measurement, TC reading, patient's position, respiratory rate, and activity level
11.2 FIO2 or supplemental oxygen flow, specifying the type of oxygen delivery device
11.3 Ventilatory mode and settings
11.4 Electrode placement site, electrode temperature, and time of placement
11.5 Results of simultaneously obtained PaO2, PaCO2, and pH when available
11.6 Clinical appearance of the patient, subjective assessment of perfusion, pallor, and skin temperature
TC blood gas monitoring should be continuous for development of trending data. Placement for intermittent and short duration measurements (ie, spot checks) is not appropriate.15,50,112
No special precautions are necessary, but standard precautions (as described by the Centers for Disease Control) are recommended.113
13.1 The device probe should be cleaned between patient applications, according to manufacturer recommendations.
13.2 The external portion of the monitor should be cleaned by methods according to manufacturer recommendations in between patient use.
The following recommendations are made following the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE)114 criteria:
14.1 Although PtcCO2 has a good correlation with PaCO2 and is a reliable method to evaluate plasma CO2 levels, it is recommended that arterial blood gas values be compared to TC readings taken at the time of arterial sampling, in order to verify the TC values, and periodically as dictated by the patient's clinical condition. (1A)
14.2 It is suggested that PtcCO2 may be used in clinical settings where monitoring the adequacy of ventilation is indicated. (2B)
14.3 It is suggested that PtcO2 and PtcCO2 may be used in determining the adequacy of tissue perfusion and monitoring of reperfusion. (2B)
14.4 It is suggested that TCM should be avoided in the presence of increased thickness or edema of the skin and/or subcutaneous tissue where the sensor is applied. (2B)
14.5 It is recommended that sites used for a TCM be changed as often as necessary and that they be alternated and observed to avoid thermal injury. Manufacturer recommendations should be followed. (1C)
15.1 Adaptation
Original Publication: Respiratory Care 1994:39(12):1176–1179.
15.2 Guideline Developer
American Association for Respiratory Care Clinical Practice Guidelines Steering Committee.
Ruben D Restrepo MD RRT FAARC (Chair), Department of Respiratory Care, The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.
Keith R Hirst MSc RRT-NPS (Member), Department of Respiratory Care, Rush University, Chicago, Illinois.
Leonard Wittnebel MSIS RRT (Member), Department of Respiratory Care, The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas
Richard Wettstein MMEd RRT (Member), Department of Respiratory Care, The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas
15.3 Source(s) of Funding
15.4 Financial Disclosures/Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest
- Correspondence: Ruben D Restrepo MD RRT FAARC, Department of Respiratory Care, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, MSC 6248, San Antonio TX 78229. E-mail: restrepor{at}uthscsa.edu.
Dr Restrepo has disclosed relationships with Oridion and Teleflex.
The other authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
- Copyright © 2012 by Daedalus Enterprises Inc.
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