Index by author
August 01, 2004; Volume 49,Issue 8
Fink, James B
- You have accessExpiratory Chest Compression for Atelectasis: No Harm, No Foul—Oops!James B FinkRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 894;
Granger, Wesley M
- You have accessAn Evaluation of 2 New Devices for Nasal High-Flow Gas TherapyJonathan B Waugh and Wesley M GrangerRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 902-906;
Hess, Dean R
- You have accessGuidelines for Preventing Health-Care-Associated Pneumonia, 2003: Buyer Beware!Dean R HessRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 891-893;
Hughes, James M
- You have accessGuidelines for Preventing Health-Care-Associated Pneumonia, 2003 Recommendations of the CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory CommitteeJames M Hughes, Denise M Cardo and Mitchell L CohenRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 926-939;
Kane, Gregory C
- You have accessMethemoglobinemia: Sudden Dyspnea and Oxyhemoglobin Desaturation After EsophagoduodenoscopyEllen Lunenfeld and Gregory C KaneRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 940-942;
Kester, Lucy
- You have accessRespiratory Therapists' Attitudes About Participative Decision Making: Relationship Between Managerial Decision-Making Style and Job SatisfactionShane S Blake, Lucy Kester and James K StollerRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 917-925;
Legrand, Terry S
- You have accessAn Assessment of the Appropriateness of Respiratory Care Delivered at a 450-Bed Acute Care Veterans Affairs HospitalDavid C Shelledy, Terry S LeGrand and Jay I PetersRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 907-916;
Lunenfeld, Ellen
- You have accessMethemoglobinemia: Sudden Dyspnea and Oxyhemoglobin Desaturation After EsophagoduodenoscopyEllen Lunenfeld and Gregory C KaneRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 940-942;
Mizutani, Taro
- You have accessEffects of Expiratory Rib Cage Compression Combined With Endotracheal Suctioning on Gas Exchange in Mechanically Ventilated Rabbits With Induced AtelectasisTakeshi Unoki, Taro Mizutani and Hidenori ToyookaRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 896-901;
Paredes, Valentine
- You have accessBook Review: 20 Common Problems in Respiratory Disorders. William J Hueston MD, editor. (20 Common Problems series, Barry D Weiss MD, series editor). New York: McGraw-Hill. 2002. Soft cover, illustrated, 369 pages, $45.Valentine Paredes and Christopher BehrensRespiratory Care August 2004, 49 (8) 947-948;