Index by author
July 01, 2019; Volume 64,Issue 7
Trevisan, Iara B
- You have accessResistance Training With Elastic Tubing Improves Muscle Strength, Exercise Capacity, and Post-Exercise Creatine Kinase Clearance in Subjects With COPDBruna SA Silva, Dionei Ramos, Carlos A Camillo, Iara B Trevisan, Giovanna A Arévalo, Ana Paula CF Freire, Marceli R Leite, Fabiano F de Lima, Luis A Gobbo and Ercy MC RamosRespiratory Care July 2019, 64 (7) 835-843; DOI:
Tucci, Mauro R
- You have accessManual Hyperinflation: Is It Effective?Mauro R Tucci, Maria AM Nakamura, Nadja C Carvalho and Marcia S VolpeRespiratory Care July 2019, 64 (7) 870-873; DOI:
Vollsaeter, Maria
- You have accessLarynx: The Complex Gateway to the LungsTiina M Andersen, Thomas Halvorsen, Ove Fondenes, John-Helge Heimdal, Ola D Røksund and Maria VollsæterRespiratory Care July 2019, 64 (7) 866-869; DOI:
Volpe, Marcia S
- You have accessManual Hyperinflation: Is It Effective?Mauro R Tucci, Maria AM Nakamura, Nadja C Carvalho and Marcia S VolpeRespiratory Care July 2019, 64 (7) 870-873; DOI:
Wagner, Laura D
- You have accessPersistent Adherence to Airway Clearance Therapy in Adults With Cystic FibrosisAllen C Sherman, Stephanie Simonton-Atchley, Dianne Campbell, Raghu M Reddy, Catherine E O'Brien, Bethany Guinee, Laura D Wagner and Paula J AndersonRespiratory Care July 2019, 64 (7) 778-785; DOI:
Yanez, N David
- You have accessInhaled Iloprost Versus Epoprostenol in Heart Transplant RecipientsT Miko Enomoto, Miriam M Treggiari, N David Yanez and Matthias J MerkelRespiratory Care July 2019, 64 (7) 743-751; DOI: